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LOL @ you Californians voting on your own laws. Fucking unamerican, that is.


Do you see me voting on anything?



Fuck no!




G.W. did a great job giving voice to my opinions this past 8 years and Obama will do the same for the next 8.

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^ Um, Federal budget is a little different than the State Budget, but whatever you tell yourself is ok with me.


P.S. G.W. did a horrible job giving you a voice.



Protip: That wasn't a jet passing 23,000 feet over your head when you read that post.

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These weren't just laws we were voting on. Yes, there was one regarding pay raises for political officials in times of recessions, but props 1A and 1B were designed to bailout our schools. They were immediate fixes to the budget crisis within our failing school systems. My mom lost her job as a teacher at an elementary school, so the outcome of this special election directly affects fam. It's sad because the entire district is changing the class size from 24 to 36. 36 little fucking 8 year old fidgety 'tards are gonna have to share a room with one teacher and LEARN. It's stupid too because the district is contractually obligated to buy new textbooks for these kids every few years even tho they're prohibitively expensive, and this year's edition is no different than last years. That money alone would've solved the budget crisis. But no... thanks private interest groups!


The problem with getting voter participation is that these props were horrifically written. Unless you did tons of online research chances are you wouldnt understsand what most of the propositions would do/not do. So the great majority of californians said no, a vast majority didnt vote, and only (on average) 25% of californians voted yes.


A sad day indeed... and I can't believe I fucked up that first post to this thread. ARGHGHHHGHG!!!

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