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omar bin laden says his father is sorry for the 911 attack


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Now if we would like, we could go back to the 80's and Reagan, Remember this president was a Actor...yes you got me right A real life movie actor!!


Ok some people may remember this, he was all into this war on cocaine in south America, something happened and no more mention was made of it. Cocaine hit America like you would not believe......i'm talking every single city in America had supplies of it, it was not just in big cities anymore.



So here is what I figure, I'm thinking how can the Govt make money from cocaine and opium/ Herion???



I figure they are not the dealers so they have to be making money some other way, Drugs get shipped into our countries, then our govt says they need money to fight the drugs (as if they just allowed this drug attack to hit us and kill us and turn us into zombies just so they can use that as a excuse to get money from us), so they got a chunk of money given to them to fight these drugs.....what are they doing to fight these drugs??? Arresting people........now out of all the people arrested how many of them are in there as a result of drugs?? How much money is the govt given for each inmate in jail per day??



Think the Govt is not that cruel....then just remember Katrina. Remember Slavery in America. Look at the reaction of Bush when he was told about the Trade center attack (not even a single emotion at all...look at the video of it, he was just like "whatever" and went back reading for 30 more minutes). Now just take a minute for this to sink in......think about everyone close around you......now if you have anyone close to you that is addicted to Herion or Cocaine.......just think about it for a minute....if you have people close to you that is in prision due to a drug addiction.......think about it........if you live in a poor neighborhood then take a look around your neighborhood at the destruction ( if you grew up in a area like me then your city looks like a bomb hit it but there never was a bomb dropped on it.....you have to worry about being killed by a drug addict just for going to the gas station)........this is your close friends and family suffering or maybe even you.......they have us addicted to drugs so that they can arrest us and get money for having us in there then gain public support by the public thinking they are fighting this drug problem which is killing america.


Don't forget about the Racist Hitler symbol on the back of the American dime either or forget about the freemasons role in creating the Klu Klux Klan either......then think about why the drugs are so massive in the poor areas around america. Don't forget the skull and bones is part of the free masons either.


The alarm clock is ringing....now is the time to wake up.

Wake up or die.

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Remember Iraq....remember we was looking for weapons of mass destruction.....we did not find any.....well look up Mk77 and Iraq......If you are not sure what Mk77 is...it's a chemical agent that is a exact copy of Napalm.....we ( yes we used it) droped that stuff on citizens......alot of reporters was arrested for filming what our mk77 did in Iraq. If you really have the stomach for it....then go ahead and google it. the damage it did to just little kids will make you cry.....

i'm american and I'm white, but I for one am defiently not down with that kind of evil and if anyone supports these people then they are just as evil or maybe they just do not want to believe the truth. Last time I checked chemical weapons was a war crime and if I'm not mistaken Sadam was killed for using chemical weapons on the kurds (which by the way 40 percent of iraqi oil is on kurdish land), but apprently it is ok for us to use chemical weapons?


Seriously we messed alot of the Iraq citizens and children up really bad with the Mk77 stuff.

Citziens...Children......i'm not talking soliders here.....I'm talking Children, women, citizens just sleeping in there bed and probally never held a gun in their entire life......

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The only ones that would be considered taking acid is the ones that believe the usa did NOT blow up the trade centers.



Just research anything I added, It's known truths. Look it up. Any of it.


It's not like I just made up some story, These are all known truths, Look it up, research it.


For it was part of some acid trip then you would not be able to find it.


However you can find it.



However what you can not find is anything that links the Taliban to 9/11.


I think Bush was on acid when he said there was weapons of mass destruction......I remember clearly that Bush kept saying weapons of mass destruction was in Iraq......now hmmm.....where exactly is them pesky weapons of mass destruction??? Come on now....where is the proof of weapons of mass destruction??? oh yea there is nothing anywhere which can be found.....yet everything I typed can be found.


So now exactly who is the one taking acid here???? Apprently it's not me as everything I typed can be found and is known facts with verified public records backing it up.

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You guys look exactly like Colin Powell right now when he went before the UN and pointed to a satellite photo of some semi trailers and said "this is where they're making the chemical weapons"


Anyone can post up pictures of bodies and say "This is the result of chemical weapon X made by the United States under leadership from Jews with pointed teeth that run the world out of a spaceship in Antwerp"


Don't you think if there was some secret new world order of fascists, that they'd just merk you and be done with the shit?

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You guys look exactly like Colin Powell right now when he went before the UN and pointed to a satellite photo of some semi trailers and said "this is where they're making the chemical weapons"


Anyone can post up pictures of bodies and say "This is the result of chemical weapon X made by the United States under leadership from Jews with pointed teeth that run the world out of a spaceship in Antwerp"


Don't you think if there was some secret new world order of fascists, that they'd just merk you and be done with the shit?



Well I can take it a step further on that note.


Mk77 if you research it then you will know it's effect is nearly the same as Napalm. ( I included a photo of the helicopter fireing the stuff along with them dead body photos, them dead body photos is of what that helicopter was firing did).


International law does not necessarily prohibit the use of napalm or other incendiaries against military targets, but use against civilian populations was banned by the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, (often referred to as the CCW) in 1981.


In a few cases, napalm has incapacitated and killed its victims very quickly. Those who do survive suffer 3rd degree burns, damaging the vascular dermis, and are generally in terrible pain and have huge scars all over their bodies. Victims who suffer 2nd degree burns from splashed napalm will be in significant amounts of pain.


There are many types of napalm, with dozens of different compositions. Basic "Napalm" (trade name) is a powder. Mixed with gasoline, it is a tactical weapon used to remove vegetative cover and instill fear.


A large amount of carbon monoxide is produced once a napalm bomb is set off, which makes it hard for people to breathe, causing them to pass out and burn. When Napalm ignites, it rapidly deoxygenates the available air. Oxygen is replaced with carbon monoxide (CO) as a result of incomplete combustion. As little as 0.4 percent CO is fatal in one hour because of the high affinity between carbon monoxide and hemoglobin. Napalm creates a localized atmosphere of at least 20 percent carbon monoxide.


Ok so now you have a general idea of what this stuff is. Mk77 is a form of Napalm.

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Sorry about the size of this, but this should prove to you the Bush's connections with Hitler.

Prescott Bush is George Bush jr's Grand dad and fellow Skull and bones member.


George Bush jr's Great Granddad "George Walker"

Is co founder of UBC and Sponsor of UBC, Also senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman. Now that you know this much read the article below.




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There is a 1941 newspaper article about the incident, this article is a scaned copy of the Washington post in 1941 (this was when the assets was first frozen).


They are called "Hitler's Angel" in the Washington Post article.


There was also "Vesting Order No. 259", "Vesting Order No. 261" and "Vesting Order No. 370" Which also included Prescott bush and George Bush jr's Great Grand Father.


Properties involved in these 3 other Vesting Orders included Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, Holland-American Trading Corp, and Silesian-American Corp.

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Now keep in mind President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president which froze Prescott Bush's assets.


Now lets look at Major General "Smedley Darlington Butler", at the time of his death in 1940, was THE most decorated Marine in U.S. history. During his 34 years of Marine Corps service, Butler was awarded numerous medals for heroism including the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (the highest Marine medal at its time for officers). He is one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor.


In 1934, Butler came forward and testified under oath to the MacCormack-Dickstein House Committee that a group of wealthy pro-Fascist industrialists had been plotting to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a military coup. Even though the congressional investigating committee corroborated most of the specifics of his testimony, no further action was taken. He identified an powerful organization that was behind the scenes coordinating and backing the plot. This organization, the "American Liberty League", was comprised of some of America's wealthiest bankers, financiers and corporate executives.

Prescott Bush's Father in-Law was in with the "American Liberty League".


In 1933, Butler was approached by men representing a clique of multi-millionaire industrialists and bankers. They hated U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) with a passion, and saw his “New Deal” policies as the start of a communist take-over that threatened their interests. FDR even had the temerity to announce that the U.S. would stop using its military to interfere in Latin American affairs! Wall Street’s plutocrats were aghast! They had long been accustomed to wielding tremendous control over the government’s economic policies, including the use of U.S. forces to protect their precious foreign investments. Because of Butler’s steadfast military role in upholding U.S. business interests abroad, the plotters mistakenly thought they could recruit him to muster a “super-army” of veterans to use as pawns in their plan to subjugate or, if necessary, eliminate FDR.




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Now lets look at US Ambassaor "William Dodd".


In 1936 William Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany. In a letter to Roosevelt, he stated:


“A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.... A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies. Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there. Propagandists for fascist groups try to dismiss the fascist scare. We should be aware of the symptoms. When industrialists ignore laws designed for social and economic progress they will seek recourse to a fascist state when the institutions of our government compel them to comply with the provisions.”


As a added note Many of the plotters exposed by General Butler, had been boosting their fortunes by investing in the fascist experiments of Mussolini and Hitler. Some of them even amassed great profits by arming the Nazis, both before and during WWII.

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Now lets look at Prescott's Father (not his father in law since we already talked about him).


Samuel P. Bush.


1901 he became General Manager of Buckeye Steel Castings Company, which manufactured railway parts. The company was run by Frank Rockefeller, the brother of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller ( you should know the rockefeller name as one of the founders of the Federal reserve), and among its clients were the railroads controlled by E. H. Harriman. The Bush and Harriman families would be closely associated at least until the end of World War II. In 1908 Rockefeller retired and Bush became President of Buckeye, a position he would hold until 1927, becoming one of the top industrialists of his generation.


He was the first president of the Ohio Manufacturers Association, and cofounder of Scioto Country Club and Columbus Academy.


In the spring of 1918, banker Bernard Baruch was asked to reorganize the War Industries Board as the U.S. prepared to enter World War I, and placed several prominent businessmen to key posts. Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section, with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with munitions companies.


Samuel Bush served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (as well as of the Huntington National Bank of Columbus).. In 1931, he was appointed to Herbert Hoover's President's Committee for Unemployment Relief, chaired by Walter S. Gifford, then-President of AT&T. He was once recommended to serve on the board of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but Hoover did not feel he was sufficiently nationally known.


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Now one of the head companies for "American Liberty League" was "Hamburg America Line"

Remember this name, It is also known as "Hamburg-Amerika Linie"....sounds pretty German huh?


Well thats because it was an enterprise established in Hamburg, Germany in 1847 under the name Hamburg Amerikanische Packetfahrt Actien Gesellschaft (HAPAG) for shipping across the Atlantic Ocean. It soon developed into the largest German, and at times the world's largest shipping company, serving the market created by the German immigration to the United States.


Thats right Germany.


During Prescott Bush's tenure as Director for the company, it came under investigation in the U.S. for Nazi propaganda activities along with several other Prescott Bush's company ties.


Thats right Prescott bush was Director of this company.

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Wow this conversation disintegrated into the same crossfire shit it always does.


There are like 50 Bin Laden children. Can someone actually give me a reason why this person should matter and on the flip side be subject to so much scrutiny? I am sure that he is successful because of his father, and has a name we know because of his brother. Other than that, I think you're just all looking for a reason to post. Am I wrong?

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Ok now lets look at Germany born "Fritz thyssen". Here we will see why Franklin D. Roosevelt

shut down all of Prescott Bush's businesses and considered him in with the enemy.


"Fritz Thyssen" was a political conservative and a German nationalist. In 1923, when France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr to punish Germany for not meeting its reparations payments in full, he took part in the nationalist resistance against the occupiers, leading the Ruhr steelmakers in refusing to co-operate in producing coal and steel for them. He was arrested, imprisoned and received a large fine for his activities, which made him a national hero in Germany. Through the 1920s the Thyssen companies continued to expand. Thyssen took over the Thyssen companies on his father's death in 1926, and in 1928 he formed United Steelworks (Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG), controlling more that 75 per cent of Germany's iron ore reserves and employing 200,000 people. He played a prominent role in German commercial life, as head of the German Iron and Steel Industry Association and the Reich Association of German Industry, and as a board member of the Reichsbank.


In 1923, Thyssen met former General Erich Ludendorff, who advised him to attend a speech given by Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party. Thyssen was impressed by Hitler and his bitter opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, and began to make large donations to the Nazi party. Postwar investigators found that he had donated 650,000 Reichsmarks to right-wing parties, mostly to the Nazis, although he remained a member of the German National People's Party until 1932, and did not join the Nazi Party until 1933.


In November, 1932, Thyssen and Hjalmar Schacht were the main organisers of a letter to President Paul von Hindenburg urging him to appoint Hitler as Chancellor. Thyssen also persuaded the Association of German Industrialists to donate 3 million Reichsmarks to the Nazi Party for the March 1933 Reichstag election. As a reward, he was elected a Nazi member of the Reichstag and appointed to the Council of State of Prussia, the largest German state (both purely honorary positions).


Short version is "Fritz thyssen" is who got "Hitler" into office.

Prescott Bush was one of "Fritz Thyssen's" main American connections, Prescott used

the money gotten thru dealings with "Fritz" to get "George Bush sr" to be president

of America.

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Use this website to to use as a reference to the next part of stuff I'm going to talk about....


This next part will be how wars play a role in all this


After you get a idea how wars play a part then check out this website and

it will all make sense ( make sure you check about how many

times the USA vetos UN peace ideas).



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The money part comes down to the Bankers (mainly the people we have already touched

on earlier).


The Bankers are pretty much the Federal Reserve.


The Federal Reserve was passed into place by president "Woodrow Wilson".

Woodrow Wilson ran against former president " Theodore Roosevelt".

President "Franklin D. Roosevelt " (which we already talked about and how he

became the enemy of the Bankers) was the fifth cousin of "Theodore Roosevelt".

President Wilson appointed "FDR" Assistant Secretary of the Navy.


Now we will see how Germany played a part to give birth to the

Federal reserve ( please note J.p Morgan, rockefella, and other mentioned below

all belong with the companies Prescott Bush got in trouble with)


The chief of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions — one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them. Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing Germany's banking system came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond system that he had previously supported. Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb, & Co., secluded themselves for 10 days at Jekyll Island, Georgia. The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward House, who would later become President Woodrow Wilson's closest adviser and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. There, Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich Plan. Warburg would later write that "The matter of a uniform discount rate (interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island." Vanderlip wrote in his 1935 autobiography "From Farmboy to Financier", ::Vanderlip wrote in his 1935 autobiography From Farmboy to Financier ::I was as secretive, indeed I was as furtive as any conspirator. Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would have been wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”::

( now that was in Vanderflip's own words when speaking of him and the other banker's

meeting at Jeykl island to create the Federal reserve.


Now this interest rate is part of the picture, This means any time a dollar is printed from the federal reserve

it is a "Loan", just like if you borrow money from any bank, this is what happens when

any money gets printed from the federal reserve (the federal reserve is Bankers, the same bankers that prescott bush was with).

So one dollar get printed at the reserve then 1 dollar has to be paid back PLUS interest.

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Ok now I'll try to make this as short as possible,


When a war breaks out, the bankers have no side.

Bankers will supply funds to both sides, they will bring in

their associates which own metal companies, weapon companies (weinchester is actually part of the these bankers so watch for that name if you hear about the civil war),

constuction companies, etc.


The banker's metal company associates send their metal to the

weapon companies and the weapon companies make the weapons for the wars.

then the banker's associate construction companies are sent in after the wars to clean up and rebuild.


The govt has to go to the federal reserve to get money to supply the war

and now the bankers gets that money back plus interest (this happens on both sides of the war)....bankers have no side and every war america has been in, the bankers have supplied funds to both sides and have gotten that money back plus interest.

the more countries involed in the war then the more loaning the bankers give out,

more loaning the more interest. ( keep in mind the bankers are individual companies

so when they fund the other sides it's not like the other side get money loaned to them from the federal reserve because it's coming from the Bankers themself).


Wars mean big money, war is business.


Now in order for America govt to get loaned money from these bankers it has to be approved ( this is how the federal reserve works, bankers can not approve the loan they only supply the money), The approvers have nothing to do with the bankers are pretty much the enemy of the bankers. To get approved for large amounts of loans there has to be one hell of a good reason because we have to pay interest on that money. So now we have war,

war starts the military gets approved for the loan and now the bankers are making their big bucks.


Now who we go to war with is planed way ahead of time, if we go to war with a country that is not using the same bankers as Americans use then the bankers will not get to loan money to all sides, so we have to pick a war with a country that the bankers fund money to as well.

Sometimes there is a way around this by just grouping several countries that the bankers fund into one war and fighting against a country that is not funded by the bankers (bankers still profit).



Now getting drugs into the country becomes another way the bankers can make money....drugs in a country brings crime and health problems. This brings in need to get money loaned from the federal reserve to fight crime and to get health care, Drugs bring poverty so now we need welfare and govt assistance. All of these things will get loans from the federal reserve approved and once again the bankers get that money back plus interest.


Then we have to get approved to go into war, how do we do this, we just have to make people think we got attacked by another country and then we have full support of the people to go to war. Or we can just supply two different countries with weapons and funds to fight each other then we can say we have to go in and help one of the sides and then we will have support to go to war as well.


Hopefully everyone that has been bored enough to read everything now understands how it all works and now knows how to make a profit off of war. Yea I know it sucks and these people are very evil. And it is really messed up how we never elected any of the bankers to run our country but yet they kinda do run our country and at the same time run our enemy countries.

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