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good question...



I would say raping him = no hero


but for argument sake i suppose it depends on where most passengers are from


like suppose your from a good queer hating bible belt


and you preface the rape with this will teach him not to mess with AMUURICAA!!


then maybe yes the rape is hero status exempt from homo status simultaneously


Its Science Really




oh yeah and as long as you dont seem to be enjoying it TOO much

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looking at how morbid US media is, and its viewers, they will have you as their top story the next day , ranting about how much the evil terrorist deserved to get raped.


movies will come out with titles such as "homos on a plane" or "flight A55 rape"


youll become a celebrity.




in the ounce youll still be a homo.

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Putting a dick inside of dude is pretty gay. That cant be debated.


..however..if you beat somebody up..even really badly, in a few weeks they are back to normal...maybe a few scars..but thats all. If you fuck a dude in the ass...he will never forget that shit...ever.


Conclusion....raping dudes is ghey, but if you really want to make him remember what a bitch he is, then go for it. but you gotta live with getting a boner in a dudes ass.




/no homo x100

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