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wasnt the first whole train done on july 4th 1976?

. QUIK ; I do a LOT of reading that come up in some of these interviews in books, and its funny about the Caine 1 train and the Fab 5 x-mas whole train.The FIRST whole train was done by IN! I saw it 1975! double decker floaters silver and red (mostly, then he used black outlines when the red ran out) on 9 cars!!!!! the last car had an IN 't2b "burner" in the middle with 3-d going both left and right! the train whizzed by me at 8am on a monday morning. it must have been 2 or 3 trains, it was on Broadway.....please, It's time for some one to set the record STRAIGHT!



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. QUIK ; I do a LOT of reading that come up in some of these interviews in books, and its funny about the Caine 1 train and the Fab 5 x-mas whole train.The FIRST whole train was done by IN! I saw it 1975! double decker floaters silver and red (mostly, then he used black outlines when the red ran out) on 9 cars!!!!! the last car had an IN 't2b "burner" in the middle with 3-d going both left and right! the train whizzed by me at 8am on a monday morning. it must have been 2 or 3 trains, it was on Broadway.....please, It's time for some one to set the record STRAIGHT!







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. QUIK ; I do a LOT of reading that come up in some of these interviews in books, and its funny about the Caine 1 train and the Fab 5 x-mas whole train.The FIRST whole train was done by IN! I saw it 1975! double decker floaters silver and red (mostly, then he used black outlines when the red ran out) on 9 cars!!!!! the last car had an IN 't2b "burner" in the middle with 3-d going both left and right! the train whizzed by me at 8am on a monday morning. it must have been 2 or 3 trains, it was on Broadway.....please, It's time for some one to set the record STRAIGHT!





Jack Stewart mentions this in his dissertation, not the graffiti kings book which has just a fraction of the text. also that at one point in the mid 70s, IN had a throw up on every car in the system - both sides of every car on every line in every division - at least 10k throw ups running at once. noone did that before or since. if this is true, i would imagine that record could only be held for a couple of days at best as im sure a lot of them were lost quickly due to the buff and other ppl painting over them. eternal props to TOP crew for making the throw up what it is today.

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good point Zed but i think Iz The Wiz RIP might have him just on longevity. I envision Iz must have done hundreds of thousands of throwie in his long train writing career.


TOP did start some shit didn't they.

BIG UPS to TOP fo sure fo sure

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with all due respect to IN and the TOP crew, in my mind there iz no doubt on the longevity and sheer volume tip, IZ takes it - then and now. to date - whether its freights, walls, subways in europe, whatever, IZ wrote his name on more trains than anyone for longer than anyone. he is THE legend, and all time king. maybe thats just my opinion but i would find it hard to believe anyone in the history of graffiti did as much damage as he did! if you just skim through that nycsubway.org site, IZ appears more than anyone else combined.

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if you just skim through that nycsubway.org site, IZ appears more than anyone else combined.


That is the truth!!! I have caught a few IN and Kill3 flicks on there but not that many and there are a lot of 70's pics on that site. Hell I think there are even more Vinny pics on there then IN flicks. As far as I know IN really only wrote for 2 years but he killed it those 2 years, just imagine if he had kept going...


As far as IZ goes... He told me there was one year, I think from somewhere in 81 into 82, that he did "at least" 100 throw ups every night for an entire year.... Now you do the math on that!! Even if he only really did half that (which I would totally believe) it's still a shit load of throw ups!! And that is not including all the panel pieces and whole cars he did in that time span as well, not to mention the insides he rocked too!! And if that is not amazing enough to think about, think about the fact he had to get the supplies to do all of that damage!!! Iz the Wiz was pure and simply a graffiti machine. Maybe that's why one of his favorite songs was Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine", LOL!!! One thing's for sure... He is missed!!! :o

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I always liked this one... A little trivia about this car for ya... This is the car going through the buff in Style Wars when they show a close up of the spray hitting the train... At that moment the "whole lotta love" in the bottom of the W is what's going through the buff... :D

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there are even more Vinny pics on there then IN flicks.


No doubt about that, VINNY was definitely an all-city king. Years before I even got into the writing culture, my mom would take me on the 7's in Queens, as well as driving thru the Bronx within view of some of the various elevateds, and VINNY was always there. His swirling yet readable letters were always completely recognizable to a youngster like myself, and his colors were often bright and appealing. Later, in 1978, when I was finally introduced to what was going on, VINNY, along with IZ, were considered the 2 kings. Even beyond that, around 1980, VINNY made yet another comeback, and his trademark style was once again being seen rolling throughout the city.

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I don't know if this was posted in here, but i find it interesting to say the least. A friend of mine sent me this. The infamous "Son Of Sam" aka David Berkowitz was friends with Cane 1, and wrote about him in his journal.



" The Devil is a tireless predator. He tries hard to pluck lives from this

> world before they have the chance to make their peace with God through faith

> in Jesus Christ. This is the reason why he is referred to in the Bible as a

> thief² who¹s come to steal, kill and destroy. Satan has been a killer of men

> and a stealer of souls for thousands of years. The Scriptures also describe

> him as both a² wolf² and a ³roaring² lion.


> And with these things in mind, I am writing today¹s journal entry in memory

> of my friend, Edward Glowaski. Eddie died on or about March 15, 1982. His

> death occurred as the result of his being shot by a resident whose house he

> tried to break into. An elderly gentleman by the name of Fred Hammer, whom I

> believe was in his 70s, caught Eddie in the act of burglary and shot him

> with an unlicensed handgun.


> The incident occurred at 37-68 97th Street in the Corona section of Queens,

> New York. Mortally wounded, Eddie was then rushed to a nearby hospital. He

> was shot around 10 P.M. and died the next day at approximately 2:30 A.M.

> Eddie was only 24-years old.


> I met Ed Glowaski while we were both confined to the Kings County Hospital¹s

> jail ward, which was located on Clarkson Avenue on the top floor of the

> building. This was in Brooklyn, New York, in 1977.


> Eddie and I were in separate observation rooms, which were more like jail

> cells, as we awaited our respective criminal cases to be dealt with by the

> court. I was under a 24-hour per day suicide watch all the while I was

> confined there. A New York City correction officer was posted outside my

> room continually with each officer doing an eight hour shift. And Eddie was

> housed in a three man room almost directly across from me, and about ten

> feet away. Most of the time the guards allowed Ed and I to talk.


> Eddie¹s case also graced the newspapers, at least for a few days. He was

> caught robbing from graves in a local cemetery. He told me he was a

> Satanist. And, if I remember correctly, he knew certain persons who were

> interested in purchasing his wares in order to use them for ritualistic

> purposes. But who these people were, I¹ve no idea. And I think it was one of

> Ed¹s friends who tipped off the police.



> Ed was only 18 or 19 years old at the time of his arrest. Although it was a

> long time ago, I recall him as being about 5¹10¹¹ tall, with a pale baby

> face and blonde hair. He was soft-spoken and could¹ve easily passed as a

> college freshman. He didn¹t look as if he belonged in prison. I think he was

> looking for a father in his life.


> Because his case was so bizarre - a teenager caught trying to rob old bones

> and other items from cemeteries for satanic purposes - not only did the

> media have a run with the story, but the judge ordered him to undergo a

> psychiatric exam. And this is how Ed and I met. I was confined to the jail

> ward of the hospital for the same reason: a mental evaluation.


> Thus Eddie and I became friends through the cell bars, which is a common

> occurrence in such a setting. Men who are locked up in cells next to each

> other need to communicate. So Ed and I got to know one another. I learned

> that he had a devoted mother who loved her son. She would visit him every

> Saturday speaking to her child through a mouthpiece that was embedded in the

> glass partition which separated the inmates from their visitors. Eddie¹s

> mother did a lot of crying whenever she came to see him. He talked a lot

> about her and his sister. Ed loved his mom as much as she loved him.


> However, after about a month or two, Eddie¹s psychiatric evaluation was

> complete. So he was then remanded to the infamous Riker¹s Island Jail to

> await a trial or a disposition of his case. I think he ended up pleading

> guilty and doing ³time served² plus a long period of probation.


> Yet Eddie still kept in touch with me, at least for a little while. But I

> guess he eventually decided to move on with his life. And by this time I had

> already received a lengthy prison sentence after having pled guilty to

> murder in the 2nd Degree in the ³Son of Sam² case.


> Then, years later, in 1982, while I was confined to an upstate prison a

> short distance from the Canadian border, I happened to come across a week

> old copy of the &quotNew York Times.² And I believe it was the paper¹s

> ³Metro Section² that I¹d been looking at when I spied a small article

> several pages into the section. The piece was maybe an inch wide, and not

> more than four inches in length. Yet when I read it, I froze.


> The article, in few words, simply said that a 24-year old man by the name of

> Edward Glowaski, was shot while trying to burglarize a home in the Corona

> section of Queens. It went on to say that he died several hours later. It

> did mention, as well, that Mr. Glowaski was a talented artist who¹s works

> were being featured in a Manhattan art gallery. His pen name, the article

> said, was ³Caine .²


> I didn¹t know that Eddie was a budding young artist who had already received

> some recognition for his work. My memory of him was locked into a brief

> frame of time back in 1977. In my mind I still saw him as a skinny and

> confused adolescent. And now he¹s dead!


> I wasn¹t walking with the Lord back then. It would be awhile yet before I

> became a follower of Jesus Christ. Besides, I¹d lost contact with Ed, and I

> had my own share of problems to contend with, too. I was struggling to cope

> with my incarceration and the craziness of prison life. I was also battling

> with depression. So I basically forgot about Eddie until I happened upon the

> article.


> Yet what I do know today is that Satan has no respect for those who are, or

> who once were, his followers. Sadly, there are those, and I was one of them,

> who¹d been deceived. In my ignorance, rebelliousness and foolishness, and

> perhaps even in my loneliness as well, I once pledged allegiance to this

> cruel being. And when I did so, I actually thought that things would turn

> out well for me. But I¹ve learned from hard experience that the Devil is

> just what the holy Bible says he is: a liar, and the Father of Lies (John

> 8:44).²


> Most certainly those who place their trust in Lucifer for their fortunes

> will end up losing everything. Gone will be their minds, their bodies, and

> ultimately their souls. None of the Devil¹s crowd will get to keep or enjoy

> what he has promised them. And if not for the mercy of God, my body would be

> in a grave by now, and my soul would be in Hell. I shudder when I think

> about it.


> D.B.(David Berkowitz)"


> **This post was excerpted from David¹s prison journal. The date of this

> entry is March 1st, 2008 . He was just denied parole for the fifth

> consecutive time.

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