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NYC Subways - the good stuff-Best thread on 12 oz!


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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


fuckin hell I've been sleeping on this thread.


watched that last bomb vid a couple of pages back and was wondering.


does anyone know who had the last painted car running.?


i remember reading some where the last painted car was buffed in may 89 in coney island (details are hazy maybe it was an old on the run magazine).

but was this true and does anyone know who was up on that car?


useless graff trivia i know but could be interesting to think about if therer are any older people on here that can shed some light?

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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


ha ha interesting question..anyone? anyone bueller?


November 3, 2003 - Last day of service for R36 "redbird" subway cars. The cars were first rolled out for the 1964 New York World's Fair. They received their nickname when they were overhauled in the 1980s and painted a bright red color.


But I'll have to research what the last car painted red was..

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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


It was a "C" train...



Transit Agency Says New York Subways Are Free of Graffiti




Published: May 10, 1989


LEAD: On Friday, the New York City Transit Authority plans to celebrate the final journey of what it says is the last graffiti-covered train. That train, on the C line, will be taken out of service.


On Friday, the New York City Transit Authority plans to celebrate the final journey of what it says is the last graffiti-covered train. That train, on the C line, will be taken out of service.


Fifteen years after they began battling the initials, names and cryptic messages scrawled on subway cars, transit officials say the system is now graffiti-free. Almost the entire fleet -6,245 cars - has been replaced, rebuilt or scrubbed clean. When new markings do appear, they are promptly wiped away, officials said. About 250 of the 465 subway stations have been cleaned and are being similarly maintained.


More than 10 years after Norman Mailer wrote ''The Faith of Graffiti'' and graffiti painters were celebrated in galleries as pioneers of an important form of self-expression, less-sympathetic forces appear to have prevailed.


''When you're sitting in a graffiti-covered car, you don't feel safe,'' said the president of the Transit Authority, David L. Gunn. When the trains were covered with names, codes and epithets, ''there was a sense that the system was out of control,'' he added.


''Graffiti on the walls of trains or subway stations create bad karma,'' Mayor Edward I. Koch said last week. Although many critics of subway conditions say there are still major problems to be addressed, some of the critics add that cleaning up the trains was an important step.



''I appreciate not having to get on a fun house of colors in the morning, and it makes me think somebody's in control,'' said Gene Russianoff, staff lawyer for the Straphangers Campaign, a consumer organization. He said the group had ceased rating the trains for graffiti this year, because ''there's so little of it.''


State Senator Franz S. Leichter, Democrat of Manhattan, acknowledged that graffiti now constituted ''less of a problem.''


''I wish that much effort had gone into more important issues such as safety, like the doors that drag people to their deaths,'' he said. ''I wish they had improved on-time performance and dealt with trains' going out of service en route. I question how effectively they've dealt with the real nitty-gritty of running the system.''



Mr. Gunn insisted that maintenance had not been compromised as the cars were stripped of graffiti.


''We didn't defer maintenance,'' he said. ''You have to be able to chew gum and walk at the same time. Part of maintenance is cleanliness.''


Transit officials see additional signs of improvement, in statistics showing longer service between breakdowns. In April 1984, the trains averaged 9,031 miles before a failure; last month, they had improved to 22,744 miles, Mr. Gunn said.


Safety from crime and mechanical defects is still an important concern to riders and transit workers. The safety director of Local 100 of the Transport Workers Union, George McDonald, said he did not think graffiti-free trains deserved much praise. ''Big deal,'' he said, ''if you can't get to work on time and you don't feel safe.''


''Nobody was ever raped by a graffito,'' Alfred A. DelliBovi, the Urban Mass Transit Administrator in Washington, said. ''People need to see not only that the trains are clean, but that criminals are removed from the transit system.''


Mr. Gunn said the overburdened courts hampered the transit system's quest for safety. ''Ninety-five percent of the people we arrest for robbery don't serve any jail time,'' he said.


Combating graffiti, however, was recognized as something the system could accomplish more or less on its own. Measures were devised to defeat graffiti's purpose - namely, the desire to see one's work on view.


Transit officials ordered trains out of service within 24 hours after being marked. In the last five years, 10 trains were withdrawn in rush hours because they were marked up.

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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


You know that Style Wars 2 train, that looked like shit, but the pictures popped up recently...

Apparently the Euro dudes are on a kick, recreating that shit.... Here they are remaking a Cap diss...

not my words:

"p-jay and cap ag ag against everybody.if they had a good couse for the situation ,….but they are doing it just for hell off it .over everybody from brooklyn to manhattan .everybody.if they were shotting the movie it will went like booom booom booom ,its just the way how it will went"


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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


You know that Style Wars 2 train, that looked like shit, but the pictures popped up recently...

Apparently the Euro dudes are on a kick, recreating that shit.... Here they are remaking a Cap diss...

not my words:

"p-jay and cap ag ag against everybody.if they had a good couse for the situation ,….but they are doing it just for hell off it .over everybody from brooklyn to manhattan .everybody.if they were shotting the movie it will went like booom booom booom ,its just the way how it will went"




That shit is hysterical, The best part is that is most certainly vandal squad in those workbum vest flicking for pics. Must be that so called fat elite Eagle squad written about in the Daily News recently...

As a classic clean train writer once wrote next to his piece in 1989 "Yo Vandal Squad Whose Watchin Who?"

and though those cats dont have the best of skills I stlll give it them to for the balls & humour to not only paint that shit but to stick around while the VS shows up.

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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


honestly not sure i traded with alot of people.. then i sold most of my albums to some gnd dude on ebay .. i think it was trike .. so alot of stuff i got thru trading is floating around

.. what unfinished piece? i think thats a him wips .. and looks like a seen tc5 silver.. i dont know maybe u can tell me ..lol

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Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff


that video cracks me up....



pre - i am pretty sure i know who you got this flick from the baychester layup, probably from the artist with the unfinished piece if again my mind dusts off the cobwebs correctly lol..




I'd like to know who's piece that is with the yellow on the top and is it just me or is he actually painting it or is that just someone standing there??? :confused:

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