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i was watchin the tele tonight and came across somethin i found somewhat fucked up.....

was wondering if anyone else felt the same way....we go to iraq yeah, do EVERYTHING we've been doin over there for the past 6 years....and then broadcast WWE monday night raw or whatever the fuck its called from the war ravaged country in "tribute to the troops"....i dont know, it kind of pisses you off you feel me? i think its fucked up all soo many different levels.........................................................................:confused:

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it's a psychological move.

for the people here, to take Iraq as a land where the US achieved something, that by broadcasting wwe(world world eternally) shows the US has been successful there.

to soften up the US soldiers to believe everything is ok.


it's like a joke to the fallen ones, from each side, especially the 1+ million iraqis.


imagine yourself being an iraqi man, in your 40s, your wife and 3 kids are dead because of the US troops, and you are missing a leg....now, you see in the TV how there's a show of fake fighting that is taking place in your country for the army that did that to you... it doesnt suck?

there are millions of people on that situation.

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juan, violence has been dropping all over iraq.


anyway, this isn't the first time they had the wwe in iraq. they had it in 2003 and 2004 and 2006, when violence was much higher.


most of the iraqis that have lost their relatives due to al qaeda. that's why much of the iraqi populace has turned against them.

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it's a psychological move.

for the people here, to take Iraq as a land where the US achieved something, that by broadcasting wwe(world world eternally) shows the US has been successful there.

to soften up the US soldiers to believe everything is ok.


it's like a joke to the fallen ones, from each side, especially the 1+ million iraqis.


imagine yourself being an iraqi man, in your 40s, your wife and 3 kids are dead because of the US troops, and you are missing a leg....now, you see in the TV how there's a show of fake fighting that is taking place in your country for the army that did that to you... it doesnt suck?

there are millions of people on that situation.


It also has to do with the fact that professional wrestling has been an american institution for many years.



Or at least McMahon's professional wrestling.

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