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  • Replies 153
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Guest shai_hulud
shai_hulud haha i bet you had that saved on your fav documents.


Actually, I don't have a computer...this is all being done via teletype and a team of Koreans who can draw very, very fast.


But, I'm gangster like that.


Don't mind me, I'm tired. I'm moonlighting for another website, so I'm doing all the coding for these posts by hand for the practice.

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i don't see why not


I'm going to sleep


the cute girl with good taste in books went to sleep

and I've expended all my venomous barbs for the evening/morning

I would hope that by tomorrow the banhammer has crushed the interloper.

godspeed you gay republicans.

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Guest shai_hulud
I just killed a mad spot.




(a bit late, but i dont have a team of fast drawing koreans. mine are mexican)


You have Mexicans in Australia? How did they get there? Ours have to walk, or swim...or ride magical coyotes through the big shiny fence that George Bush The Selected decided to build with our school lunch program funds.

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You have Mexicans in Australia? How did they get there? Ours have to walk, or swim...or ride magical coyotes through the big shiny fence that George Bush The Selected decided to build with our school lunch program funds.


I outsource offshore.


but i have met some mexicans here, dunno how they got here.

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Guest shai_hulud
you would have to live on a graff site where you live haha why dont you got out a play with some roo's


Why play with marsupials when he paid all that money importing a crack team of Mexican illustrators to work for him?


Get with the program. Human trafficking isn't cheap.

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okay as part the usual hazing that goes on here: work with this.


sorry lagraff: welcome to the .oz


this is from lagraff to me:


hey i was hoping maybe we can trade good props.


i seen you making a post about drugs going hand and hand and i figured you dont have a toy attitude like alott of these trolls here.

some of these trolls already tryed to get me banned.

so i was asking for a favor of a good prop review. and ill do the same. i have to wait till later on today before i can hand out props.


this is my response tryin to help out the poor fella:


ill let you know how it works



go her



read this



go there and read my good man read it all and come back on the forums and do your thing.


in ch.0 your playin with fire.


you can get banned and your ip will get blocked if you fuck around to much.


yeah we are tite nit group but not everyone gives teh noobs a hard time. dont ask stupid ?'s it will save you alot of text beatdowns. if you dont know look around.


they give all the noobs a hard time to see if they can handle it, just make sure you realize who you are talkin to and their status on here.


i have been around a long time on teh OZ. and this is my fourth screenname.


in closing, i'll have to haze you with the pm you sent me, its nothing personal, just TEAM 12OZ BIZNEZZ.



later noob dood


ps i dont give out props to anyone under 500 posts






eatso, have at it

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