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Stussy Shirts


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i knew someone who's daughter's husband was the brother of the the guy who started it with his wife.

fun fact,

they actually started the whole thing in their garage or basement, doing everything by themselves, with the help of some family members I'm sure.

Their stuff is overpriced, like any hip brand these days. some of it is alright, they do some nice collabs.

i got a free shirt at a skate contest a couple years ago they did with nike here. I remember kids fighting over them. shit was ridiculous.

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i garuntee a lot of u cats hatin are compleatly uneducated... but some of you are right.


Shawn Stussy started makin clothes in 84, and then in 96 the company traded hands and went thru a lot of changes.


according to shawn stussy, the only thing that remains from when he was part of the company is the Stussy logo that everyone is so familiar with, other than that none of the current designs or ideas expressed by the brand have anything to do with him, and he clearly states that on his blog


so all this shit about lil wayne n all that gay shit, has nothing do with what the company originally represented.


Shawn Stussy has since started another brand called S Double


i still buy some Stussy stuff, ive got a shirt from the flagship store here in DC, but for the most part i feel like the company is really over hyped, and is riding the coat tails of someone who was actually a real artist, and not a bunch of lil wayne advocates

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