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i think stay gay with it is tryna get an invite from me.

twinky the kid

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sorry to be debbie downer but some of yall are pathetic and need to sign off and commit murder on yourselves..



why do you really give a shit about this dude..

he is the topic of all the conversation right now..


making threads about how he is asking for invites is funny..


let it die already..


who cares if he was toe cutter??



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^Yeah, I can't figure it out. I've been on this site for a long time, but though I'm on it constantly, I never got heavily invested/involved in it (though I will be supporting it someday soon). There has always been people getting crazy on here, but it was tempered by other more quality threads. Either that ratio is heading in the wrong direction or I am just getting older and I've seen the good stuff so the new "good stuff" is like a rerun to me.

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Guest shai_hulud

Look, I'll say it again.


EBPH is my friend. We hang out and drink and have adventures together.


Gliks accused him of something. I asked EBPH if it was true about ten times. EBPH denied it, and gave me several good reasons why he wouldn't do it. I asked him for his IP. He gave it to me, without hesitation.


I don't want EBPH to come back for two reasons. He seems to bother a lot of people here. Fine, I respect that. He also doesn't want to come back. He doesn't feel welcome. I think he's right.


I know 12 oz. isn't a democracy. I'm only doing this to see who's telling ME the truth.


As far as I'm concerned, this is between me, Gliks, and EBPH. I'm not trying to start a fight. I just want to know the truth.


And, so far, I have yet to hear the whole story.

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Guest shai_hulud

He's a friend of mine.


That's why I'm making a huge stink about this.


It's not a molehill, VAJ. I would do this for anybody, but mostly I'm doing it to prove a point.


I will say this. I know 12 oz. isn't a democracy. At this point, I don't care. If I get banned for sticking up for my friend, well...that's okay by me, since it's a lot cooler than getting banned for being a douchebag.

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Guest shai_hulud

Are you saying that I'm a douche for being friends with him?


That would be awfully prejudiced on YOUR part, I would think.


Have I ever said anything to you or ANYBODY in the past FIVE YEARS I've been on this board that would make you judge me by the same standards as EBPH?


No, because me and EBPH are different people. And, I would expect you to be cognizant of the difference.

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Guest shai_hulud
i couldnt give two fucks about any of this.


your nigga is a fuckin creepo.


end of story.


defend him all you want.


No, Gliks. You DO care, because you accused him. I asked you to support the accusation. I have yet to see ANY evidence to support your accusation.


I'm not asking you to do anything I wouldn't do for anyone else if the situation were reversed.


Whether he's a creep or not is entirely beside the point. He's said creepy things to me. You know what I did? I shook it off. He's always been welcome anywhere I stay, and he's extended me the same courtesy.


If you want that to be the end of it, fine. Close the thread, while you're at it.


Do you understand what the point is here, Gliks? I'm making it an issue because people taking authority at face value without questioning the motives behind it bothers me. As a vandal, as a rebel, as far as EVERYTHING I stand for, it makes me nervous about the way things are handled on this forum. That's all. It's not personal. I still think you're okay, I just don't agree with you on this one. Hopefully, we can agree to disagree, and still be okay with each other. I would like to see that happen. No hard feelings.


That's it.

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We have our reasons why we think its EBPH.


I also have a few reasons I don't think so.


Either way, they're both condemned. haha.:lol:


Heres a reason.


It isnt because I talked to him. He denied all aligations. Plus I dont think he really cares that much about this place to begging for an invite from everyone.

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