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i liked the idea of this book. i read it because UNDYING recommended it.

i think it would have been far better as a collection of essays though. some great ideas are presented, but in such an unappealing fashion. it was too "hippie" for me as an actual story.


i'd recommend it, but not for anything more than for an interesting (not great) read.

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I really enjoyed reading ishmael..BUT....it didnt really teach me anything. I liked how it was written and some of the questions it asked. I think it was more designed to provoke thought then to actually answer present day questions/problems. Also...i think the movie "INSTINCT" was written based off concepts from this book. I could be wrong though.

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...trying to spark up some discussion..


What is evolution leading up to?


Its ignorant to think that we are the end result of it...as the book says...at one point the jellyfish thought it was the most evolved being..and now..that seems just silly. Soo maybe in the whole scheme of things we (humans) may make nor more of a stir then the occurance of a jellyfish.


i dunno.

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I read these books in high school. They are good as a foundation so I won't hate them (admittedly, I don't clearly remember the bulk of what they were aside from the basics), but they are in no way relevant to Ron Paul, nor something I would be likely to read now because the concepts are good, but basic.


Jellyfish never thought anything.

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...trying to spark up some discussion..


What is evolution leading up to?


Its ignorant to think that we are the end result of it...as the book says...at one point the jellyfish thought it was the most evolved being..and now..that seems just silly. Soo maybe in the whole scheme of things we (humans) may make nor more of a stir then the occurance of a jellyfish.


i dunno.



i don't really see any way in which evolution can ever completely stop. to think that it can or would seems pretty foolish to me. granted, it seems hard to think that there could be anything more advanced than we are now, but by the same token, there was a time when it didn't seem like there could be anything more advanced than fire, or the wheel, or the steam engine, etc.


so basically, i don't think we're the end result. i couldn't even begin to take a guess as to what will come next, however.

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  • 4 weeks later...

technology has taken the reigns from evolution. a bazillion years ago, a giraffe with a slightly longer neck got laid over the one with the shorter neck because he could reach the trees better, and the necks got longer and longer.


now the guy with the latest gadgets/most money gets laid, not the most enviornmentally usefull/helpfull guy. this will be humanities downfall. dont worry about the earth, its going to make it forever. its people that are going to wipe themselves out.


the earth has been through so many ups and downs and ice ages and whatnot. deserts become oceans and vice versa. humans think that they are the pinnacle of creation, but think about dinosaurs and the millions of lost species and versions of "cave-people" and early man. now with global warming republicans like to nitpick with al gore over whether we are actually causing it or its "just happening" (like the ice age did, or the shifting of the land masses or whatever other massive change in earths history.) either way its bad news for us, so why fight about it.


our time here is limited. try not to be an asshole.

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technology has taken the reigns from evolution. a bazillion years ago, a giraffe with a slightly longer neck got laid over the one with the shorter neck because he could reach the trees better, and the necks got longer and longer.


now the guy with the latest gadgets/most money gets laid, not the most enviornmentally usefull/helpfull guy. this will be humanities downfall. dont worry about the earth, its going to make it forever. its people that are going to wipe themselves out.


the earth has been through so many ups and downs and ice ages and whatnot. deserts become oceans and vice versa. humans think that they are the pinnacle of creation, but think about dinosaurs and the millions of lost species and versions of "cave-people" and early man. now with global warming republicans like to nitpick with al gore over whether we are actually causing it or its "just happening" (like the ice age did, or the shifting of the land masses or whatever other massive change in earths history.) either way its bad news for us, so why fight about it.


our time here is limited. try not to be an asshole.


Well said.

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ishmael is an excellent book.

I also recommend the Culture of Make Believe by Derrick Jensen. Also along those lines you may want to check out John Zerzan's work.

As for the future of evolution it's hard to say. Maybe the future will look like what Ray Kurzweil propounds. Maybe we'll kill ourselves before we even get there.



Zerzan's kind of a quack. he talks a damn good anti-civ message, but has definitely been spotted out at fast food places chowing down. now, i'm not saying he should live in a shack and eat grubs and berries, but if you're gonna be one of the main people speaking out against civilization, don't you think you should probably avoid Arbys?

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