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split happen hacksaw get streak lay down do not open half in cut horizontal slice vertical no


another do vertical together glue:D


^^You just made my week.

Easily made my week.

If the props button was still around... Yeah.

Thank you.


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Does anyone here have pentel whites? I have tons of paint markers id be willing to trade and id give you up to 4 regular oil based paint markers for each pentel white. Pm me if you got 'em.


I know that Scrap Yard was carrying them for a while.

If you live in NYC or got connections... Check there.

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just a little teaser..



























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jigsaw meets amanda bynds


read jigsaw in deep scary voice


amanda:(wakes up in a dark room)wh-wh-where m i

j.saw:(tv turns on)hello amanda ive bin wtching you for quite sometime now

and i would like to play a game

amanda:wh-what kind of game

j.saw:hopscotch(3 second pause) as you probly noticed there a large machine atached to your vagina and unless you find a key it will xspand permanently streching out your vagina surta like madona here let me show you(jigsaw show pics of maona's vagina)

amanda:what the fuck is that!!

j.saw: i know iknow its like its like stareing at a cave or something

amanda:more like the grand canyon(chuckels)

j.saw:ha ha ha....ya thats true but any way here are the rules you have 1 chance to play and there are now do overs or trying to blow me to get out of this and ill give you a hint the key is behined my eye do you under stand

amanda:i think so

j.saw theres no thinking to it you dumd bich ether you understand or you dont stupid ho(gos on from there mumbleing shit under his breath til she answers)

amanda:ok(yelling)ok i under stand now can we get on will this

j.saw:ok you dumb whore go

amanda:rite now

j.saw:yes rite now why would i say go if i didn't mean go

amanda: i just tho(she is stoped be a loud metal screeching noise she is the new madona jigsaw is heard in the back lafing)


what does this have to do with markers you say absolutely nothing i was just watching saw and had to make fun of it i cant belive they made 3 of that moive i thot 2 was enuf


haha, the old SMOOTH-NUTS.

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the purple was garveyviolet,dot 3,mineral spirits,and testors blue oil paint for models and shit

and the other one was a window writer with rusto silver dot3 and a little mineral spirits

and the small pump marker was a zig glue pen with the same krink as the window writer

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i aint sure if any ones ever done this but if u ever baught a marker .... but as u all know buying a nibs a real bitch but u dont wanan throw away ur nice markers soo here u goo


notice that me NIB of this marker is folded over if u doo not make it long enuf to fold it over it will leak an fall into the marker our out







^^ an thats ur end product



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yea at the end of this week itll be four weeks so its three now. fucked up cause he aint gonna send it and all these ppl are gettin tricked into buyin shit from him.


are you on about rogue?? as im waiting on some stuff also... but he is away for a while

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Damn... Don't sound to good.

The man might have gotten a little over

zealous and sold more than what he had,

and could possibly be at home right now

mixing shit and finding mops.


Hope all is well and that he isn't fucking

you guys over. But then again... It's the

internet, so this types of shit it happens


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i need someone to explain this to me i went to clean out my OTR moments ago and when i tryed to wash it out with warm water the like finger of paint that was left turned into goopy shit and now its dry and wont come off...waht happened?? can u clean that shit out still

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why was everyone talkin weird that f*cked me up tyrina read it and for whoever said hows the ink in mini wides your dumb, they are made to put whatever ink you want in and for that envelope moistener mop just use a kiwi top...works perfect

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