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How worth it is griffin for outsides I found some!


^^I also found some.


And I can tell you that, for outsides or insides,

Griffin black is the most amazingly dark ink/dye

I have ever used. It's blacker than BLACK and

stains instantly. I will provided some flickage

later on in the next few. It's by far the most

amazing tool/ink to use. Clean lines that drip

in the best ways and like I said before...


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Not anywhere near any major city on the

east coast that I have seen, in the last

4+years of really looking, have carried it.


The smaller towns might...


Cats over here don't even know about it

really. It's huge in the Midwest and west

coast, but not really on the east anymore.

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griffin is the shit that comes with that weird applicator right? well i cat help you for where to get the griffin, but as far as the container and applicator go, just buy some pvc primer...the kind i have in my garage has an applicator attached to the cap and i think all of them do...pvc cement that i have has one of those ball applicator things too...just go to some hardware store or some shit...

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Hey guys have you found any easy CLEAN ways to refill your markers, I got some squeezer markers off bombingscience and the nibs are hard as fuck to pull off when theyre caked on with some dried ink shits just going to make a mess any easy ways anyone find to pull them nibs off? Same with the do em dirty mops I got a few and it looks like the nibs are hard as fuck to pull off, I dont want to make a mess in the dorm.

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aight first wear gloves, after that its actually easier than it looks

instead of just trying to pull the fucking thing straight out,(u could use a pair of plyers for this) just wiggle it side to side, if u get wat im saying like wiggle it up and to one side then the same but the opposite direction

once a bit has come up just use ur hands and continue doing that, then BAM! its off

im emerald legassi thanx for watching goodnight!

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go outside and wear gloves. you will be getting messy. that's just how it is if you want to use grimy products.

kinda like if you want to fuck random hookers, you might get aids. just comes with the territory.



Werd I was just yanking on the top waiting for it to come flying off and the remaining ink splattering all over me and anything else in its path.

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