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Yo KART... "Nips" is a derogatory term for the Japanese

during World War II. It's short for Nipponese, which the

Jap's were referred to as during that war, and which they

were in fact called some time ago.


"Nib" is the industry name for the ink/paint applicator

on the end of a marker. Just a heads up in case you end

up talking some bingo freak Japanese lady at the Bingo

Insanerama getting those free packages and you ask her

about the "Nips" they got over there in the storeroom.


Otherwise, Nice find.

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Yo KART... "Nips" is a derogatory term for the Japanese

during World War II. It's short for Nipponese, which the

Jap's were referred to as during that war, and which they

were in fact called some time ago.


"Nib" is the industry name for the ink/paint applicator

on the end of a marker. Just a heads up in case you end

up talking some bingo freak Japanese lady at the Bingo

Insanerama getting those free packages and you ask her

about the "Nips" they got over there in the storeroom.


Otherwise, Nice find.




i meant nibs

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kartoon, i found that site and went to it when you first posted this, never got my damn markers! you got 2 shipments, and i havent gotten one. thats some ol' bull shit.


and that OTR site i was mentioning...




for an EMPTY one.


dont even fucking worry about it. i told the lady that martha stewart glue pens are $6 full of glue, then asked who their supplier was. she said it was none of my damn business, and hung up the phone. what a bitch!


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they dont break or get fucked up ever so ive been told i actually really want one






I dont say much on here but I will explain this ONCE and never again


those brushes are Boss they can pull of all the same effects of thisviewthread.php?action=attachment&tid=1983&pid=54001




- nib wont pull apart

- can pull off sicker EFX than just the round line look

- can be cleaned out if drys up solid and reused over and over 4EVER


- and most of all cant break if your gettin Mohamed at the bar and a baboon leaps on you ripping at your throat...indestructible


they are not that hard to find




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hahaha^^^good question i could just imagin walkin and a cop is like "young man, why is half of your pants covered in black ink" cause it leaked in your pocket...

everybody probly knows this but for the uber noobs you should go to markal.com and order samples. if you cant figure it out, youre fukn stupid. its under customer service or some shit like that...

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