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hahahaha my church group hahaha.... I actually laughed at that.... but all I asked was for someone to answer my question. I dont care how you feel about it. please dont reply to what I ask if youre just going to give me shit for somthing for no reason, I just come here to find shit out that I might not already know. being a suburban kid sucks let me tell you, I hate everything around me including the clean cut yuppies who think there prestine clothes will cover up the bullshit that lies underneath them. Yeah I suck at spelling. I'll deal. But people like me? I've made a total of 15 posts on this site. how in the world do you feel that you know me? its a forum. like I said I come here for answers to questions I have whats wrong with that? our conversation has now completely gone away from markers or graff supplies and I came here to ask about markers not how you feel about me (through text haha come on...) I dont care I just wanted someone to answer my damn question, I'm out I'll be back when I have another question. it sucks this site doesnt have a spam button type deal where I can easily go through all the haters and the kids with beef on the brain and get to the actual reason as to why I came to the damn site. you kids need to chill a bit. and about your pma there was nothing positive about how you where talking, not by any means.

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hahah dude can u honestly read what u just wrote? Im bored and a toy and all i do is stay on 12oz. So here i go!!!!!


1) you say you dont care but yet u go though previous pages to pic on every time u were "dissed". Now comment me if im wrong but i think you do care. anyone else feel the same?


2) "Quit getting pissed over nothing." is what you should do.


3)"god I hate forums I come to get questions answered or just chill and chat and I have to read and pick through all the emotional nerds who think saying pointless shit to vent about because they can only express there feelings through typing to a bunch of people they dont know. I dont fucking care! I dont! I dont want to hear this shit! just asked how to do shit semi safely. my god... thanks once again, you have acomplished nothing besides sounding like an ass" Must i even comment??? hahah


Dude One love and all but damn before you rave,rant, and comment on what other people are doing, can u honestly first make shure ur not doing what they're doin?


Dark and lonley nights, tomarro morning when the rest of the 12oz freaks wake up will probably comment me and say im homo and shyt for this, so what, fuck it lifes a big drama.



haha I went a few pages back to see if anyone actualy gave me a reply to my question. no big deal right? I wasnt getting pissed just irritated that no one can answer my question but theres a lame reply of some dude ranting for no reason. If all you do is stay on 12 oz all I have to say is dude go write on somthing to pass your time, way more constructive.

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...I've made a total of 15 posts on this site.


Let's get one thing straight.

I've been writing, most likely, since before you where born.


The people who get answers on THIS site, know what questions

to ask, and what questions not to ask. People like myself work

diligently to ensure, that people like yourself, never get your

answers and get nothing but insults and broad generalizations

about "who" you are, and "where" you come from. You are not

welcome in my world. You are a "mark." I don't know you, and

don't care to. Don't think that because you have an opinion you

can come on here and justify getting your questions answered.


It's people like you, the "do nothing crowd" that expect all the

answers for free, and don't ever plan on working for them.



And in it, you would last a day.

You would cower to closest cell of like-minded individuals that

can't survive on their own either and start a street art crew or something

terrible like that. I have no respect for your callous ways of demanding

help, and hope that you eternally fail in life. I am sure this will NOT

happen because some kindhearted person will find your weak ways

pathetic enough to ensure your survival.




What is the safest way to use Etch?


Well you spineless piece of shit... The answers is easy.


ETCH. They explain how to handle it. They explain how to treat the

burns, and they talk about various application methods. The rest is

common sense, which you have proven that you have none of, and

the safety portion is up to you.



That's the rest of your life.

Never working for anything.

Crying like a weak wounded fawn that needs help from it's mother.


Now fuck off and go to some other board where they call your weakness

and incessant whining, things like "valor" and "strong" for standing up

to mean man on the internet forum.

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Life is so good sometimes.

Oh yeah... on a whim I grabbed a "Kiwi Green" Junobo in

minimop from Oink, and it really is worth talking about.


You can make your own, but if you want it now and quality

made... It dried fast, solid (for the most part), glossy!


Just sayin.

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jeeez asdf, you feel a bit better now lol?


I felt better before.

But yes. I also feel better now.


CLUE_CARDIFF: 100ml is 3.3onces. This would fit in the palm

of your hand and stick out a little.


250ml is 8.33onces and would be the a little bigger than a

jumbo pilot. If it's in your hand, there is no hiding it.


I say get the smaller of the two, and the NYC mop is amazing.

Only use ink in it, and you are golden.

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^^or the mini mop nib? That bottle looks

to be about the same size as a mini squeezer.

Nice work!


TheBLOCKishot: For those Nasal Spray guys...

To open it, you have to hold onto the applicator

tip firmly, and snap it off. You can try twisting and

pulling as well, but the tip should be a separate

piece that fits into the bottle. Just gotta brute force

it out.

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It's funny... I have a ton of broken cell phones,

and pagers from the many years of being a bawler.


I was thinking about making them into other devices,

like getting a nice tiny digital recorder, and putting it

in a pager with no speaker, and then I could record

conversations with people and they wouldn't know it.


On some real spy type shit. But now I'm seeing the

light of Chug's jest. I can turn that very same pager

into a mini wide super easy. I could put a spray can

in a Zach Morris celly jawns.


I might just take the time to do this.

Don't expect immediate results or anything, but you

might just see some flicks of some crazy shit soon.


It can be the Marker Thread Challenge 07'!

A build off of sorts... anyone in?

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Let's get a few more people in on this, and set an

end date. Just something to really add to the thread.


Sk8ter... where you at?

Smooth... I know you might be in.

Oink, I know you are going to check this shit while

you are on vacation (Shame on you), but you should

do this too.



Who else?

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Here are the rules:


It must be disguised in some way. Like a Chapstick marker.

Must not have been done before. No chapsticks, pushpops, batteries, etc.

You must include a photo of how it writes.

Must not leak, keep it clean.


I guess I'll run it if it's ok with you Asdf, lets get 15 members to join.


1- Rogue

2- Asdf

3- Uknome

4- CaptainKook

5- Devour!

6- NayS











Post here if your in and I'll edit you in to the list

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