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hahaha yeah. shit was kinda funny. is there anything trully useful on youtube? i saw the film canister and on the bomb shelters. wtf, that guy tags with an ultra wide!


Eh, not really, youtube is full of crap. What else are you supposed to use an ultra wide for?

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Haha, I'm working on the pics. I've been having some technical difficulties, but they should be up soon. And skag, I personally wouldn't put it in a marker. Paint doesn't flow very well in markers.


paint flows fine in markers, bud.

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paint flows fine in markers, bud.


It's just a vernacular on this thread.

If someone says Marker, they are implying a hard felt tip.

Perfect for ink, not so hot for paint mixes.


You can totally call, what is referenced on here as a "MOP."

a marker. But to make it easy... we have been calling to the

devices that Paint can work well in, a mop, and ink devices as

markers. No biggie. And you both are correct.

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well, a good way i use for paint in <u>markers</u> is just do the normal felt tip deal but instead, cut off the end of a pen tube, a bit longer than the width of the felt you're using and wrap the felt around it, so its a little hole right in the middle.


squeeze it and you can use straight acrylic/oil paint in it with no thinner and it works fine. (dope ass drips if you squeeze it right.)

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s.nuts didnt need a cap i popped a fresh nib on at the scene and basically walked around with it all night....


oink yea thats ya bottle i might have to tax you on it tho(lol) but iin all honesty no diss jus critique i would say i wasnt pleased with the opaqueness(sp?) of your ink...so i mixed with pilot and was set but it definately does what its supposed to and stain it did definately gonna need batch 2 and i got some pics for you coming in

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