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matter a fact i just ripped the nib on my krink and bought a kiwi mop and the nib fits perfectly.


but i took out the little green thing in the bottom of the kiwi nib like you would usually do if your making a mop, but when i took the krink one off it still had its little green thing. so i would try it first before you take the thing out of the bottom


Thanks AGOE1 and asdf_va!


I like the screw on cap that the Krink mop has, but those foam nibs get torn up and dry out too quickly. I've always wondered why the Krink mop has the green valve still in the nib. You can get better flow without it.

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^^good info.

I was wondering about those expensive ass streaks.

I'm a straight white, yellow, or black streak kinda person.

Once you break out the crazy colors, or even making multi-

colored streaks... I just lose interest.


But if you have a black light in your room next to your lizard

tank and your Frank Zappa poster... you could rock a good

streak with those guys and see a sweet day-glow effect!


Damn... now I want a Frank Zappa poster... and a black light!

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haha man when life gives u lemmons, put em in your mix and make a lemmoned sented ink.

But really tho when good shyt comes up and i got the cash, ill buy. But yeah Oink ima still be purchaseing from you too. So when my homie comes back from Mexico ima get his credit card and spend my money. Then ima get Birthday money soon so ima have more to spend. But ima proally use that money to buy an airbrush gun if i cant rack one...so hope that i can rack one so i can spend more money at ur stores. haha

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Ay tho how much u gona be sellin the Junobo for? and how soon u think u gona get em? cuz if u are ima jus wait till u get the Junobo also so i can jus pay 1 s&h.

But yeah man those airbrush guns are pretty dope. my homey jus racked one and a can of co2 and we wer painting one shirts for half the day. Yesss another way to make money!! haha


Tragk...no theyre practically invisible durring the day.

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