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Israel/Syria '07 /What Syria should've done.


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Okay, I'm assuming most of you guys are up to date on the Israeli airstrikes on Syria a couple weeks ago, claiming it was nuke material, Syria says it was only an abandoned building. FUrthermore, Israel very inconveniently left fuel tanks in Syria.


Israel- left those tanks there on purpose. This story about the nukes borders on conspiracy. Hezbollahs victory last summer proved that nukes are far from necessary. Israel hits something that they know is insignificant (so there will be no significant losses), yet demonstrates clearly their ability to attack. it is meant to threaten Syria's leadrship, as well as demonstrate that Syria is completely isolated, and that they're basically Israel's bitch. Note that there were no significant condemnations, and the media is more focused on the nuke stuff (people are saying this voids the pyongyang agreement) than what provoked the attacks.


Syria- should've brought in some syrian movie makers. give them two days around the clock, building up a disaster scene, mad bloody and shit. raid the morgues and take bodies from there. set mad shit on fire right. then, only allow state media in (for reasons that its a warzone etc.), and start YELLING to the world that israel just massacred 80 civilians unprovoked. then, use the fuel tanks as 'proof' that Israel was in there. Israel would've been condemned, and syria would have demonstrated international legitimacy, reducing Israel's hostility and bringing them more clout in international diplomacy, mayhap giving them more leeway over lebanon.


my fault, high as shit.


that shit woulda been awesome, and i would've laughed.

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Haha you guys are funny. i was blazed when i wrote that but i can take the time to break down the reasoning for it. first a couple disclaimers-


- fuentes i dont have 'true intentions'. i'm a political science student, and i was contemplating while smoking the blunt about how a country that is completely isolated in the international community can somehow provoke any sort of international support in the wake an injustice to it.


- MAR- I'm not talking about what I would want to Syria to do. Furthermore, talking about desecrating the dead?? Anyone here know about Hama, and the 20,000 people in the city that got mortared to death because the Muslim Brotherhood wanted their communities to have more say in political affairs? Forget talk about desecrating the dead, what about the desecration of the living? ANd if they did do something like this, do you really think i would find out about it to laugh about it? no we would all be sitting here right now saying that Israel fucked up.


okay so i guess we have a real discussion now. What should Syria do? (as you will see, my ridiculous proposal surfaced because Syria has no options)-


- does it apply pressure by way of letting more fighters into IRaq, or helping hezballah/bomb some more pols in Lebanon? The status quo is not favorable to them, so that won't work.


- THey said that it was an abandoned warehouse so a huge loss could look like a victory domestically, that their missile defense system stopped israel in its tracks. until i see this dossier, i dont know if thats right or wrong. however, if the truth is really on the israeli side, shouldn't israel release the info?



- like i said in my first post, syria is so isolated right now that when ITS OWN sovereignty is violated, we blame the victim first hand, which is especially ridiculous seeing how uptight israel has been. Syria NEEDS to shake it up by garnering some sense of internaitonal sympathy. How?


- On another note, Who else here thinks Lebanese nationalists killed Hariri? THat was the begginning of a couple shitty years for SYria.

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Haha you guys are funny. i was blazed when i wrote that but i can take the time to break down the reasoning for it. first a couple disclaimers-


- fuentes i dont have 'true intentions'. i'm a political science student, and i was contemplating while smoking the blunt about how a country that is completely isolated in the international community can somehow provoke any sort of international support in the wake an injustice to it.


- MAR- I'm not talking about what I would want to Syria to do. Furthermore, talking about desecrating the dead?? Anyone here know about Hama, and the 20,000 people in the city that got mortared to death because the Muslim Brotherhood wanted their communities to have more say in political affairs? Forget talk about desecrating the dead, what about the desecration of the living? ANd if they did do something like this, do you really think i would find out about it to laugh about it? no we would all be sitting here right now saying that Israel fucked up.


sad but true.



however, if the truth is really on the israeli side, shouldn't israel release the info?


any info might show the source of the intelligence.

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I dont know man, but I sure feel bad for them. It's got to be hot as fuck in those things.


Don't feel bad for them , man..It's hotter in the hellfire.

Not to mention, the material those are made of is extremely thin and breathable...

And it blocks the sun. My wife tells me it's not uncomfortable at all and she wears the

face veil as well.

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yo man, that constant religious propaganda and forcing that shit down people's throats is annoying. telling people about how we need islam and constant alluding to those who do not follow will die in "hellfire". that's not only highly self-righteous, but it's very disrespectful. i thought you were better than that dawood.


i'm assuming the majority of people on 12oz were raised in the christian faith. i don't see any christians or jews on here trying to tell people they need to convert to their religion or they'll die in hell. i can only think of one person here constantly telling people they need to convert to a certain religion, and how their religion is better than everyone else's. it's just very self-righteous and disrespectful


the more i try to not believe islam as being an intolerant religion, the more muslims continue to prove me wrong.


Arab woman & former Muslim:



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she seems like a very intelligent woman, except she is arguing against fundamentalist muslim beliefs while defending mainstream Christian and Jewish practices. I know for a fact there are plenty of fundamentalist Christians who are just as bad if not worse than fundamentalist Muslims. And you've got fundamentalist Jews like that bastard that took a machine gun to a mosque and murdered a whole bunch of people for his religious beliefs.


The secular west needs to remember that the fundamentalists in their own back yards preach just as much violence aand hate as those in other countries,

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yo man, that constant religious propaganda and forcing that shit down people's throats is annoying. telling people about how we need islam and constant alluding to those who do not follow will die in "hellfire". that's not only highly self-righteous, but it's very disrespectful. i thought you were better than that dawood.


i'm assuming the majority of people on 12oz were raised in the christian faith. i don't see any christians or jews on here trying to tell people they need to convert to their religion or they'll die in hell. i can only think of one person here constantly telling people they need to convert to a certain religion, and how their religion is better than everyone else's. it's just very self-righteous and disrespectful


the more i try to not believe islam as being an intolerant religion, the more muslims continue to prove me wrong.


Arab woman & former Muslim:




I'm at a loss for words. I guess I'm just the resident religious wacko around here.

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone, so If you feel that way Theo, my sincere apologies.

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