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CNBC telling the truth?


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china threatening nuclear option (financially)




see? this is what gets our country into huge debt.

we get into wars, we borrow from china, our fed tax dollars

go to pay the interest on these "loans"


eventually, our whole infrastructure collapses.


perfect for our buddies in d.c. to usher in the NAU.

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i really dont know exactly how that kind of business work...

but i remember something about the stock market falling before 911, with their obvious false flag attack... is it time for another false flag?....


it is too quiet, been too long since one of their terror attacks, FOX news,the other day, i saw it in someones house, title: "possible terror attack between now and 911".... they have a plan no doubt, when we dont know.


lets hope they fail and no one gets hurt.

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interesting videos.



i have been watching mad money whenever i can lately. the concept of a single person having an effect on the market fascinates me. teaches more about the market than any economics class. not in what he says will happen, but that he effects what will happen by what he says.

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NAU and the amero (aka the "backdoor" to getting out of debt/the final blow to the constitution)


lou dobbs on the subject...








world bank (the vehicle used to usher this new money into acceptance in the global community)








The IMF/World Bank's ability to control the flow of currency / a country's socio - economic standing in the global market place










debt owed to china






A traditional defense of the national debt is that we "owe the debt to ourselves", but this is increasingly not true. U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, foreigners held 44% of federal debt held by the public. [19] About 66% of that 44% was held by the central banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China. In total, lenders from Japan and China held 47% of the foreign-owned debt.[20] Some argue this exposes the United States to potential financial or political risk that either banks will stop buying Treasury securities or start selling them heavily. In fact, the debt held by Japan reached a maximum in August of 2004 and has fallen nearly 3% since then. [21]


Last year, the central banks of Italy, Russia, Sweden, and the United Arab Emirates had announced similar shifts out of the dollar and into other currencies or gold citing the United States' "twin deficits" (i.e. the U.S. trade deficit as well as its budget deficit) as the reason for the expected fall in the dollar's value.[22] [23] On May 20, 2007, Kuwait abandoned pegging its currency to the dollar preferring a basket of currencies. [24] Syria made a similar announcement on June 4th, 2007. [25]







the "timely" media mud slinging against china











duplicate the same scenraio around the world thus esclating global tensions (think another cuban missile crisis)








now toss in a "leader" to unite the nations under a final global doctrine so the "mistakes" of the past never happen again.....





and bam, you just got the next 40 years.

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word. as far as cnbc goes, they are contributing to this. re-watch the clip, seldom do news-media allow a personal tirade to go on unchecked on air like this. looks like another fear tactic to me even though this is very serious.

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word. as far as cnbc goes, they are contributing to this. re-watch the clip, seldom do news-media allow a personal tirade to go on unchecked on air like this. looks like another fear tactic to me even though this is very serious.



what is looks like to me is that he wants his banker buddies to get a free pass.

i don't think he's concerned about us.


as for the fear tactic? eh, in a way. he's telling the truth that no one else will.


if you wish to do something fun, call a brokerage or just find a local broker and ask them if the dollar is collapsing.


the answer won't surprise you, but it would most americans.

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