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Neo-cons are idiot blowhards but hardly do they represent any similarity to the Nazi party. They would like to drive religion into politics and put down anyone that doesn't agree with them, but that is why they are slowly being voted out. They aren't marching people off to the gas chamber and they aren't censoring speech and they aren't causing any civil rights violations, except for their opposition to gay marriage. Throwing the word Nazi around is stupidity and ignorance. I've been to Auschwitz, I've seen what is left of the Jewish quarter in Kracow, how it went from 60,000 to 1,000 after the war, and now is made up of about 150 people in a city of 200 thousand. You haven't, and you clearly have no idea of the gravity of that fascist regime, or of gravity of fascism, too. So no, it is not REAL TALK as you clearly demonstrate the need to learn more from and about history and perhaps go to the places where it happened.



you clearly need to read "order of the deaths head" and possibly pick up some more books.

the neo-cons are using the same tactics that the nazi party used.



9/11 Attacks <--> Reichstag Fire

Patriot Act <--> Enabling Act

Homeland Security <--> Gestapo

Unitary Executive <--> Der Fuhrer

Special Forces <--> Waffen SS

Full Spectrum Dominance <--> Thousand Year Reich

Demonize Muslims <--> Demonize Jews

Corporate Welfare <--> Corporate Welfare

Total Corruption <--> Total Corruption

Insane Leader <--> Insane Leader

Rig Elections <--> Suspend Elections

Media Barons <--> Joseph Goebbels

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Wait... so if the electorial college isn't the answer, and the popular vote isn't the answer...

then what the fuck are you talking about???


ha, I just remembered my post. lol.


basically its like this.


since we are governed by individual states within a large body the electoral college makes sense, allowing the states themselves to maintain their say in the government. Smart but it complicates things. For example: The common person doesn't feel represented, even though technically they are; but if I live in a democratic state like California and I'm a republican then my vote will have no real value, right?


The problem is, if we move to a popular vote we are relinquishing the power of the states and make ourselves one governing body, to the average democrat that my not seem so bad. With a country as large as the united states it will cause states like Oklahoma, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and other small population states to be forgotten or misrepresented.


In conclusion, I have no idea what would be better. I don't like the idea of popular vote but I don't think the electoral college represents the general population correctly. Honestly the electoral college has only become an issue since bush vs. gore, and that was really caused by faulty ballots.

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In conclusion, I have no idea what would be better. I don't like the idea of popular vote but I don't think the electoral college represents the general population correctly.


I am thinking along the same lines, but I am not smart enough to have a answer to it.


What I hate about the whole election process is that my vote truely does not count. Being in the Army, they do not even bother counting my vote. That pisses me off to no end.

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AMY LORENTZEN, Associated Press Writer

1 hour, 5 minutes ago




CEDAR FALLS, Iowa - Not all the nation's ills can be blamed on President Bush, Democratic candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday as he called on Americans to change the nature of politics and institute more openness in government.



"Part of the problem here is not just George Bush and the White House," Obama told a crowd of hundreds gathered at a park in Cedar Falls. "We can't just change political parties and continue to do the same kind of things we've been doing. We can't just go about business as usual and think it's going to turn out differently."


Obama, a senator from Illinois, said average Americans must be brought back to the table when dealing with every issue, from health care to education to trade.


"We've got to make sure workers are represented, not just CEOs. We've got to make sure patients are represented and the nurses are represented, not just drug companies," he said.


To make the government more accountable, Obama said he would post all non-emergency bills online for five days before he signed them into law, allowing Americans a chance to weigh in on the legislation. In addition, he said he would post all meetings between lobbyists and government agencies online.


Obama said he would require Cabinet officials to speak to Americans via national broadband town-hall style meetings to discuss issues at their agencies. He also pledged to issue an executive order that information about the government's operations must be released to those seeking it unless it could harm a protected interest.


Obama cited his record of backing ethics and lobbying reforms, including co-authoring a bill that requires all government spending to be posted online — allowing anyone to do a simple Internet search and find that information. He said that during his time as a state lawmaker he helped to create hospital report cards so that patients could understand the quality of care offered at each hospital.

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well besides the reasons stated above, there are several problems:


  1. Third party candidates would have a much harder time winning a state because they dont appear on every ballot.
  2. Counting ballots would be nearly impossible to do and regulate
  3. And obviously, as stated above, is that if you move to popular vote you'd only need a few major cities/states to win and the rest of the country would be forgotten. Thus defeating the purpose of a "united states".

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you clearly need to read "order of the deaths head" and possibly pick up some more books.

the neo-cons are using the same tactics that the nazi party used.



9/11 Attacks <--> Reichstag Fire

Patriot Act <--> Enabling Act

Homeland Security <--> Gestapo

Unitary Executive <--> Der Fuhrer

Special Forces <--> Waffen SS

Full Spectrum Dominance <--> Thousand Year Reich

Demonize Muslims <--> Demonize Jews

Corporate Welfare <--> Corporate Welfare

Total Corruption <--> Total Corruption

Insane Leader <--> Insane Leader

Rig Elections <--> Suspend Elections

Media Barons <--> Joseph Goebbels



Again you show your ignorance. I've been to Auschwitz, I've studied the Nazis and written on the topic, myself. Actual books, not conspiracy theory books. And you're still a shit for calling me a fascist, a completely baseless and disgustingly insulting attack. My grandfather was a Catholic and was forced to work in a Nazi labor camp in Poland, my grandmother spent the war on the run from both the Soviets and the Germans and she was Catholic as well. My great-grandfather was the only survivor of his family after a pogrom in Russia eradicated all the Jews in the town his family lived in.


You, on the other hand, sit on your computer and connect dots where there are none to connect. Your exaggeration of the state of affairs is dangerously stupid. 2000 was a coup, the president is crazy, and the Patriot Act is a violation of our civil rights, but it is NOT NAZISM and NOT FASCISM. Your calling it such makes you look ridiculous and makes whatever valid claims you hold also look ridiculous, which is why I am calling you out for doing so. You can make a much stronger point without resorting to typical extremist rhetoric that is about on the level of high school drivel. If you want to start throwing around the word "Nazi" and "fascist" at anyone who disagrees with you and at anything that is remotely suspicious, then you better go read up on the subject matter and take a trip to a concentration camp before you do so, then you will see how stupid your words look.


And fuck you for calling me a fascist and acting like a pussy about it.

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well besides the reasons stated above, there are several problems:


  1. Third party candidates would have a much harder time winning a state because they dont appear on every ballot.
  2. Counting ballots would be nearly impossible to do and regulate
  3. And obviously, as stated above, is that if you move to popular vote you'd only need a few major cities/states to win and the rest of the country would be forgotten. Thus defeating the purpose of a "united states".


But the majority of AMERICANS live in cities. So how would you excuse a handfull of redneck retards in bumblefuck places like Arkansas votes out weighing everybody elses? That doesn't even make any sense. States get to vote for their congeressmen and senators and Governors to represent their states. But the people as a whole should be voting for the president and his administration who not only represent the country as a whole, but whose policies and decisions effect the entire country as a whole. That's just common sense.

It's democracy.

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This is troubling:


" Mike is — he's a gone guy. You know, we have his — we have your phone numbers, by the way. So, if you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little visit. […] When you call us, ladies and gentlemen, just so you know, we do have your phone number, and if you say anything untoward, obscene or anything like that, Fox security then will contact your local authorities, and you will be held accountable. Fair?"


that's Bill O'Rielly cutting off a caller the instant the listener said Keith Olbermann's name, even though the caller did not say anything to emply another that would upset O'Rielly. It's a little scary and he's being a bully, and it would be totally fucked up if Fox actually did that and the guy would actually be punished. But it's not fascism. When the government sanctions that sort of thing, then we are moving towards a totalitarian government. But it would not quite be a fascist government.

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But the majority of AMERICANS live in cities. So how would you excuse a handfull of redneck retards in bumblefuck places like Arkansas votes out weighing everybody elses? That doesn't even make any sense. States get to vote for their congeressmen and senators and Governors to represent their states. But the people as a whole should be voting for the president and his administration who not only represent the country as a whole, but whose policies and decisions effect the entire country as a whole. That's just common sense.

It's democracy.


By definition if people are voting for you in the house and congress its not a democracy, it's a republic.


Anyhow, think of it like this:


The electoral college forces presidential candidates to be conscious of all the states instead of focusing only on NY, CA, TX, FL and a few other high population states. I don't know if you realize but the country relies heavily on middle America for food, mining, and a fair bit of oil. "United we stand, divided we fall", may be a nice little cliché but there is some truth to it.



heres a fun little app. that 'll help you understand how the electoral college works.


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^If what you say is even true, then how the fuck is it not "fascism"?

How the fuck is a "totalitarian government" any different than a fascist government?

And Olberman is the man.

So is O'Rielly as far as I know. Unless dude's changed recently.

Untill you post proof of that shit I'm calling shenanigans.

Post that shit.



Proof of what? The Olbermann/O'Reilly shit? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11698322/


I don't know why you need proof of that.





fas·cism premium.gif speaker.gif (fāsh'ĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key


  1. often Fascism

    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

[*]Oppressive, dictatorial control.

to·tal·i·tar·i·an premium.gif speaker.gif (tō-tāl'ĭ-târ'ē-ən) Pronunciation Key


adj. Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: "A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)






The difference is between the two? Fascism involves racism and nationalism. Totalitarian means loss of individualism. A totalitarian, fascist government means a combination of the two. A fascist nation is under one man's rule. A totalitarian state is under the rule of a government, a group of people. The Soviet Communist regime was totalitarian, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were fascists. There is a big difference.

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fermentor, you claim to have written a book, but your spelling is deplorable.



I never claimed to have written a book, anywhere, and I mis-spelt "O'Reilly" and "imply". You fail to use capital letters and you also make spelling mistakes. So what? We don't all have editors and I spend a lot more time scrutinizing my spelling and grammar when I'm writing something official and not some small little message on a message board.


That's really the best you have to say for yourself? Calling me an idiot and resorting to the spelling defense. Disappointing, but not surprising, your inability to back your words up.

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Proof of what? The Olbermann/O'Reilly shit? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11698322/


I don't know why you need proof of that.





fas·cism premium.gif speaker.gif (fāsh'ĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key


  1. often Fascism

    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

[*]Oppressive, dictatorial control.

to·tal·i·tar·i·an premium.gif speaker.gif (tō-tāl'ĭ-târ'ē-ən) Pronunciation Key


adj. Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: "A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)






The difference is between the two? Fascism involves racism and nationalism. Totalitarian means loss of individualism. A totalitarian, fascist government means a combination of the two. A fascist nation is under one man's rule. A totalitarian state is under the rule of a government, a group of people. The Soviet Communist regime was totalitarian, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were fascists. There is a big difference.




^So basically the difference between the two are like the difference between an Aligator and a Crocodile.


Either way, both descriptions fit America to the T.

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Neither descriptions fit America to a T, but if you HAD to choose, which you don't, it would be closer to a totalitarian state because we are not under the rule of one person, but of a forced-democratic government. The two are apples and oranges when put into practice, but in your little head they remain confused and baffled, unable to reconcile their differences and seemingly forever doomed to remain misused in your postings on message boards.

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Again you show your ignorance. I've been to Auschwitz, I've studied the Nazis and written on the topic, myself. Actual books, not conspiracy theory books. And you're still a shit for calling me a fascist, a completely baseless and disgustingly insulting attack. My grandfather was a Catholic and was forced to work in a Nazi labor camp in Poland, my grandmother spent the war on the run from both the Soviets and the Germans and she was Catholic as well. My great-grandfather was the only survivor of his family after a pogrom in Russia eradicated all the Jews in the town his family lived in.





clarify yourself next time

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Proof of what? The Olbermann/O'Reilly shit? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11698322/


I don't know why you need proof of that.



i'll have to back him up on this, i watched olbermann for awhile, and listened to alot of people call in on o'reilly's radio show. it was actually very funny. bill o'lielly actually threatened to sick the fox security staff on a guy, and then someone claiming to be such called the caller who mentioned olbermann's name. haha.


i think olbermann calls o'reilly "the giant head."

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If that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.



wtf? all i'm saying is that sentence implied, or seemed like it implied that you had written a book/books.


what ever. seems you like arguing as much as i, but i am getting tired of it.

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Neither descriptions fit America to a T, but if you HAD to choose, which you don't, it would be closer to a totalitarian state because we are not under the rule of one person, but of a forced-democratic government. The two are apples and oranges when put into practice, but in your little head they remain confused and baffled, unable to reconcile their differences and seemingly forever doomed to remain misused in your postings on message boards.




Either way they're both power hungry police states that restrict freedom and punish disenters. That's all that matteres to a working class citizen like myself. Who the fuck are you to call me an idiot? Some political science major? I'm saying that in the REAL WORLD it's all the same shit. It effects the people in the same way. You're just talking bullshit semantics.

And yes, in the REAL WORLD America is a fascist totalitarian police state. Maybe you should leave the internet alone for a minute and step outside and experience the outside world for yourself before you pretend to speak on what the fuck is what.

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i'll have to back him up on this, i watched olbermann for awhile, and listened to alot of people call in on o'reilly's radio show. it was actually very funny. bill o'lielly actually threatened to sick the fox security staff on a guy, and then someone claiming to be such called the caller who mentioned olbermann's name. haha.


i think olbermann calls o'reilly "the giant head."



I didn't really think he was lying. I was just trying to prod him to post that shit in my drunken-asshole manor. I wanted to see it and didn't feel like putting in the effort to find it myself.:biglaugh:



^But yo... that video aint even working. But if that shit is true then O'Reilly's turned into a major fucking douchebag. I used to like dude. And who the fuck is "Fox security" anyways, the secret service?:lol:

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Either way they're both power hungry police states that restrict freedom and punish disenters. That's all that matteres to a working class citizen like myself. Who the fuck are you to call me an idiot? Some political science major? I'm saying that in the REAL WORLD it's all the same shit. It effects the people in the same way. You're just talking bullshit semantics.

And yes, in the REAL WORLD America is a fascist totalitarian police state. Maybe you should leave the internet alone for a minute and step outside and experience the outside world for yourself before you pretend to speak on what the fuck is what.


it seems that fermentor is an apologist for a lot of the wrong things in our country.

the thought crossed my mind that he is a poli sci major or criminal justice. just by the way he talks.


a real patriot knows what this country was and could be again (and what it is now) bush bashing aside.


whatever it is, he's full of shit. i kinda like the fight in him, but that's about it.

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