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the TOY paint thread...


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im not even gonna speak on the letters but.....

when it comes to your color scheme you want your outline to stand out

you should have used the blue 4 your outline and 3ds

the yellow around the blue for the force-field and

u need a neutral color like gray to block out the negative space in the background

or at least thats how i would have did it

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crits appreciatedddd


dude just keep it simple with your letters. no need to work on connections just yet so start with straight letters. by straight letters i mean just simple basic font style letters that you might see every day. then from there you work on adding style and flow into your pieces. i agree with yellow force field rock with the issue of the color scheme. just keep at it, draw a piece a day this summer and stop wasting your money on ironlak, go get some rusto.

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thanks, but cleanliness isn't the crits i'm lookin for. That's all a matter of patience, and having enough paint to recut shit 3 times.

Maybe this isn't the best place to get advice anymore... Especially on letter structure.


If you want to focus on working on your letter structure try painting a few pieces using only two colors instead of complex fades and fills. If you use one color for your fill, and one color for your outline/3d you have a lot more flexibility to go back after the fact and change and re-shape letters.


I'm just a toy, but I'm pretty sure this cat knows what he's talking about.


Rime MSK -> http://jerseyjoeart.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/sace-tribute-one-color-fill-ins/

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other angle




say somethin.


Man i like where thi s outline is heading! I think the second e has a better look to it then the first one. I agree with what you said about the k, but I also think you could thicken up the right bar of the L

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you're hard working man vossy...I envy you on quantity of paint...have to take care of my son first, than wife...son have some cans but very well hidden, just leftovers available...wife would like me to have misstress instead of writing...but you're positive for me...keep on working...and say hello to Louise...

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He paints cleaner, with nicer paint, all his letters are fitting and within the rule of the next one, his 3d/shadow is on point, and has better letter structure than 90% of you..yet you still talk shit? Yo, maybe its not that great..but for the toy thread? Shit, thats good stuff..keep at it Vossy. These kids are clowns and most of them dont know what the hell they're talking about. They're some of the shittiest writers on the face of the planet and they still find room to harshly crit. other people.


Just work on some nice letters and you'll be set up, you paint great.

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He paints cleaner, with nicer paint, all his letters are fitting and within the rule of the next one, his 3d/shadow is on point, and has better letter structure than 90% of you..yet you still talk shit? Yo, maybe its not that great..but for the toy thread? Shit, thats good stuff..keep at it Vossy. These kids are clowns and most of them dont know what the hell they're talking about. They're some of the shittiest writers on the face of the planet and they still find room to harshly crit. other people.


Just work on some nice letters and you'll be set up, you paint great.


i disagree, about the letter structure part. i like vossy, and i think he's got some dope fills and stuff, but i think most of his LETTERS are pretty hurt, def not better than 90% of people on here... which if he keeps painting and sketching, will change.

Anyway, my main point is, why dont you post some sketches in the toy post thread, vossy? maybe you could get a lil advice on some outlines and really start burnin shit...

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Uptown - Looks like you know what you are doing, but when you don't connect the bottom of your U to it's second vertical it kind of reads "lip" to me..... Like in the Upbot (lipbot) one... It works even if the connection is small, but sometimes that first part reads lip.




Redeye- Haha, dude. What are you, managing my finances? You buying me paint or something? No. Then why the fuck do you care? You worry about your own shit, I'll worry about mine.... For a dude that wants crits on his own shitty graffiti, you have a fucking lame attitude. You talk like you are some sort of fucking legend, but you don't really need to go too far back in this thread to see that you are no better than the rest of us. Kick rocks shithead.

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Ocean- The color scheme in the first one doesn't work... All the pastels and soft colors blend together, I can't really make out the letters. Also your pick background splat thing, is the same color as your fill...


I think the red and yellow number is the best of the bunch, but the N needs to have its outline touched up.. It gets pretty thin near the left and middle bar.


Nice work on that last one.

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vossy im already on the "but when you don't connect the bottom of your U to it's second vertical it kind of reads "lip"" thing been workin on some different U's....


an ocean i know that chick was mad when she tried to scrub them decos off her knockers...next time use acryllics...in less yer helpin with the clean up....

them str8s is nice really digging the LHS 1liner fire!

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