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the TOY paint thread...


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I've taken the last 2 years off of painting illegals to step my game up to an acceptable level, but i haven't gone longer than a day or 2 without holding a can.

People are in this for different reasons, i don't do it for the fame, but to leave my mark on my city somewhere that most people wouldn't look. My little parts of the city, y'know.

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I've taken the last 2 years off of painting illegals to step my game up to an acceptable level, but i haven't gone longer than a day or 2 without holding a can.

People are in this for different reasons, i don't do it for the fame, but to leave my mark on my city somewhere that most people wouldn't look. My little parts of the city, y'know.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sounds like this should be some sort of intro for Marc Eckos Getting Up 3 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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and nobody want to see your shit in public. Who wins here, the one who realized his place or the one still makin the scene hot for the real heads by puttin up shitty graf everywhere?

btw, try logging out... you can't... so how could i beef with you with multiple accounts?!?

Ignored for real this time.


*edit - why is it the beef always comes out in the TOY paint thread? Because being a toy means holding an ego which is much greater than you actually are. Drop the ego, and immediately become much less toy.

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tard ur parents did a horrible job with morals on you, its called respect im here cuz i know im toy what i put out needs work and im well aware. this isnt u harping me calling me toy and me saying im not...its u being on my dick harder then a condom everytime i look around, get off the nuttsack sellout

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Gtfo toy paint thread lol.


Thats awesome especially freestyled.


hahahaha cheers man!

yeah maybe i should stick with characters...

i put a pic of a peice and it gets ripped 2 shit...

post a character and ppl like it...


thing is i wanna learn both..


thanx bro!


and umire...thats pretty dope man!

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