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the TOY paint thread...


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You have drips because you let the can stay in the same spot for too long. Don't be afraid to get the can close to the wall, but it has to be moving AT ALL TIMES. That'll get you your clean dripless lines. Your fills need to be cleaner too. It all just takes practice. You'll get it down eventually. We all go through the can control shit. Also, the reason the yellow is showing through on your outline is because your fill is too thick. I know everyone wants an even fill, but don't waste your paint doing it on something that you're gonna have to outline in ten seconds anyways. Your lines need to be swift and efficient--at least in throws. Don't be afraid to trace over the line you're about to paint a few times before you actually let the paint flow. Can control is all about practice and muscle memory.

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thanks, i still got lots to work on but my can control is coming along nicely


heres a more recent one by me about a week ago. c was a little lopsided haha, i think i'll hit this one up on a wall tonite. one of my tagging spots just got buffed not that long ago, time to put something freesh up





and this is my mate Wiky, just throwing up some Aerosol Ruckus hits haha... both freestyled so yeah nothing too spectacular. and yeah im going to work on that #d one in my books i think it looks trippy and cool haha plus its simple letters to do 3d with :D




big ups to ironlaks, my can of choice... well its the only decent can i can get where i live and the only brand i've tried haha



gotta love having a practice wall at home and a bucket of black paint haha!!!!

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The T is a little fucked and I threw the doohickey coming off the L off the top of my head so it didn't come out looking to right. But I'm overall pretty content with how the whole piece came out. I would of added more detail but I could only fit two cans in my waist line so I had to keep it simple

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lect he t is a little fucked but can control looks aight, my can control is not bad but when i paint in the dark i seem to chose the worst fill colors haha, the ones that match the wall at night so i can bairly see my fill and what im doing it'll be interesting to see hoiw my last nights mish turned out i'm bout to blaze a few cones and catch a few flix

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well folks Rofl i am not very happy with last nites attempt, heres the pics ROFL.









lol dude to my left wrote blow... now the wall says Blow Ruck...


and well i've learnt a few painting lessons... pick colors that will show up on the wall at night... haha, the good thing is you cant really tell that i fucked up big time when your driving past haha

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