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going to indonesia for a month


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cinched i don't really have any suggestions for phones

i didn't have problems finding internet connectivity

and i know that my bf and her man have a cell phone

and their number is like, 16 digits long.

i think they bought some crazy phone in hong kong.

if you want, i can email my bf and ask her specifically what kind of phone she has and who her provider is

i don't hear from her very often but it's been awhile so she'll prolly get back to me soon


asia is so on top of technology i think it won't really be a problem


The thing is, it's not so much the provider but the fact that i'm going to be

in the middle of the forest/jungle for a month and don't know if I can

even get reception.

I know some gsm phones work in such areas, and the

satellite phones for sure, but those are way more expensive.

I wouldn't be worried if i was staying in a big city or something.


thanks for the help tho :)

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there are 4 dudes names in indonesia. they're assigned in order of birth.

it's hillariously accurate.


This is only in Bali, it's a Balinese Hindu thing, the rest of Indonesia is mostly Muslim. Also the names change depending on class, but most Balinese are from the lowest class though so every fourth person tends to have the same name. The firstborn is "Wayan", second is "Made," third is "Nyoman", and fourth is "Ketut". Shit gets confusing at times.


When did you visit Bali Seeking?


I've been living in Bali for about 5 months now, shits pritty much the realest when it comes to everything. Chinched you should definitely take the time to come here

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  • Traveling from the USA to Indonesia,you will cross over the International Date Line and loose 1 day's time.
  • Passport must be valid 6 months from date of entry into Indonesia.
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor and obtain the proper vaccinations before going to Indonesia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you aren’t going to be in the tourist traps, look out for the religious police, Jemaah Islamiyah, and anyone with a machete who is asking if you are a Christian (the correct answer would be ‘no’). And Hambali, I heard he is a dick.


I’m assuming you have this planned out pretty well since your going to be in the jungle on Java. Don’t advertise you’re American, don’t broadcast where you are going to anyone, try to stay aware of your surroundings and other common sense-related things. Here are some things to glance over you’ve probably already seen




important - http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_918.html


and plenty of info on here - http://www.usembassyjakarta.org contact them when you get there to let them know where your going, for how long, etc and they should be able to give you the low down on what is safe and whatnot (again you have probably done this already, hopefully). Have fun and try not to get kidnapped.

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wow alot props to that. what an interesting, amazing experience it will be. im totally jelly..i would love to be able to do something like that. have an amazing time..my mom travels alot ill ask her what flight sites she uses

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i looked and i still have my malaria pills the warning says

may cause dizziness, do not drive

should avoid the sun

should avoid caffeine containing drinks

should avoid alcohol


which are all almost impossible.

theres a very little chane of getting infected even if bitten with a malaria carrying mosquito

so dont feel its mandatory to take the pills


have fun and take pics

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This is only in Bali, it's a Balinese Hindu thing, the rest of Indonesia is mostly Muslim. Also the names change depending on class, but most Balinese are from the lowest class though so every fourth person tends to have the same name. The firstborn is "Wayan", second is "Made," third is "Nyoman", and fourth is "Ketut". Shit gets confusing at times.


When did you visit Bali Seeking?


I've been living in Bali for about 5 months now, shits pritty much the realest when it comes to everything. Chinched you should definitely take the time to come here


what are you doing in Bali man?

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