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suburban graff

test from brookyn

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this thread is to help people wit graff that live in the suburbs like me i moved out of the city 2 years ago and im stuck up here hittin nothin but bullshit if any1 has any sugestions please post them

Theres gotta be a highway somewheres. If a see spot that might be good, I'll mapquest it, you can usually find all the underpasses and railroads on it and all the roads that go close by.

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This thread is beyond stupid. Here's a suggestion, don't ask for help on shit like LIVING IN THE SUBURBS. And even if you do get up where you are and become a king. You'll still just be KING OF THE BURBS and everyone will think your ass is whack. Move back to the city before you become too much of a pussy.


I am uh en-ti-tee hahah

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I live in a small town, and there are a few chill spots under bridges to practice up on. Keys to writing in Suburbia/Small town: LOOK.:rolleyes: Seriously, there's places everywhere. I agree with the "Duck and Move".


Any more "techniques", per se?

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Billboards and motorways are where the fames at. I've been driving through really rural towns and seen throws up on billboards. I remeber in this tiny as town I drove through on holiday had a small junk yard with an old un-used decreped train that some local had peiced up.

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Shitty thing about paintin in the burbs or other small rural areas, is that your one of a very few amount of writers getting up. And cops are a lot easy pissed when the only piece of grafitti they see is your shit runnin in their small perfect world. So It's still the same game, They both have their advantages and disadvantages.


Another bad thing paintin, is your shit will get covered quickly, where as in the city, There is just too much to do.! Get shit that is paid for by the city, like Electrical boxes tag things that lazy ass people who work for the city will try to pass off to another department to clean up.

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