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lol, sorry that each side says its off and then says its back on again every 2 days. i was just wondering, no need to get all butthurt about it


dont get it twisted junior- nobody's butthurt. you are exhibiting some major TOY behavior and some well intentioned cat (who obviously should have known better) attempted to learn you something here and maybe save you some embarrassment further down the line BUT you dont hear it tho


clearly you are working on that TOY FOR LIFE status so keep it up. with what kids consider a "carreer" in this game these days im sure your well over half way there

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ok. i honestly do not understand a word you just said, but what i got out of the string of words you just typed is that you are calling me the toy.

fuck, writing on 12oz is toy. fucking posting flicks is bullshit. you don't know what i write, you wouldn't know it anyways. but i don't write to meet other people to meet other people and get down with people who think their the shit in their city(philly) but can't even rock 3d that makes sense. don't get me wrong, some writers in philly have their shit down, but right now all i see is people flipping a shit about beef when they can't do a throw up.

I'm done with this thread, and with fucking 12oz. people hide behind their fucking screens then talk a big game about how they will knock another heads teeth out. fuck posting shit for rep, fuck meeting other people. aint checking this shit anymore. BYE

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ok. i honestly do not understand a word you just said, but what i got out of the string of words you just typed is that you are calling me the toy.

fuck, writing on 12oz is toy. fucking posting flicks is bullshit. you don't know what i write, you wouldn't know it anyways. but i don't write to meet other people to meet other people and get down with people who think their the shit in their city(philly) but can't even rock 3d that makes sense. don't get me wrong, some writers in philly have their shit down, but right now all i see is people flipping a shit about beef when they can't do a throw up.

I'm done with this thread, and with fucking 12oz. people hide behind their fucking screens then talk a big game about how they will knock another heads teeth out. fuck posting shit for rep, fuck meeting other people. aint checking this shit anymore. BYE


this = you




Hope this helps clear things up for you.

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