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To All Expierenced Graffiti Writers!


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Hey well anyway Im sort of like a toy I dont really know for sure anyway I gotta ask u guys a couple of questions to see if im on the right path to becoming a good graffiti artist. Anyway I usually tag my high school bathrooms like all the time im thinking of stepping up to stickers and was thinking about doing this huge piece like I was going to put like 9 stickers and make a rectangle box then write my tag on that then when the time comes stick it on the walls making this huge piece it would save me alot of time and I dont really think it would be that hard anyway Im starting to use stickers today and I tag mostly all the time I have spray painted like at least 4 to 5 times and Im not bad I learn pretty quick u know anyway I was trying to find other ways then tagging with markers and stickers in my high school got any ideas also it has to be concealable?

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My $0.02: Forget about stepping up to stickers for a little while. You should go to the nearest train-yard and practice on freights first, before you make the progression to stickers and bathroom tagging. But, what do I know, I'm not from Los Angeles......

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Hey well anyway Im sort of like a toy I dont really know for sure anyway I gotta ask u guys a couple of questions to see if im on the right path to becoming a good graffiti artist. Anyway I usually tag my high school bathrooms like all the time im thinking of stepping up to stickers and was thinking about doing this huge piece like I was going to put like 9 stickers and make a rectangle box then write my tag on that then when the time comes stick it on the walls making this huge piece it would save me alot of time and I dont really think it would be that hard anyway Im starting to use stickers today and I tag mostly all the time I have spray painted like at least 4 to 5 times and Im not bad I learn pretty quick u know anyway I was trying to find other ways then tagging with markers and stickers in my high school got any ideas also it has to be concealable?
























.... :dunce: :nope:

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i hope its a joke.. but if its not, just use your head man. dont tag shit at your school? and dont do a piece usikng stickers?(i hope i didnt read that right a piece made from a bunch of stickers is kinda wack as fuck) and if your asking these questions chances are you shouldnt be writing. just stay to the books nigga

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Nah I was just playing lol some of u guys are fucking retarted seriously I just made this topic up to say what u toys would say and belive me I dont even need to do that block lettering bullshit nevea did in my fucking life and Im still hot lol u really think i was fucking serious about but 9 stickers on the fucking high school bathroom wall LOL:lol: U guys are just fucking toys u have no life so dont even try to talk and first off I dont believe 99% of the crap on this site all u toys that come to this site to learn shit dont believe it all of these bitches are fucking cops, concerned dipshit parents or fucking bitch ass Niggaz trying to act ghetto but they arent posting up pieces and bombs like they did it themselves u guys are hurtin im tellin yah LOl

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Nah I was just playing lol some of u guys are fucking retarted seriously I just made this topic up to say what u toys would say and belive me I dont even need to do that block lettering bullshit nevea did in my fucking life and Im still hot lol u really think i was fucking serious about but 9 stickers on the fucking high school bathroom wall LOL:lol: U guys are just fucking toys u have no life so dont even try to talk and first off I dont believe 99% of the crap on this site all u toys that come to this site to learn shit dont believe it all of these bitches are fucking cops, concerned dipshit parents or fucking bitch ass Niggaz trying to act ghetto but they arent posting up pieces and bombs like they did it themselves u guys are hurtin im tellin yah LOl




OMG LOL!!!!!!!!!







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I cant cuz im not allowed outside my house thats the only time I can tag and get my name up I dont understand why I cant u know fuck the school and its people


if your not aloud out when its dark maybe you aren't old enough what grade are you in? Also I'd like to mention stickers are pussy unless there pokemon stickers.... Also if you want a discrete way of tagging the boys bathrooms use fieces... shit sticks good.

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I was trying to find other ways then tagging with markers and stickers in my high school got any ideas also it has to be concealable?



i would suggest that instead of tagging up your school (a completely retarded idea btw) you focus on your english and writing skills instead. that entire post of yours read like something a 3rd grader would put together

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