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God Damn will these old heads stop advertising themselves....Theyve already had their own fuckin book and the fact is kids nowadays and ever since 200_ they have been putting in more work than all but maaaaaaaaaaaaybe 5% of em.


Sime you need to shut the fuck up, ur a piecer and thats that, i could count on my hand the number of fills Ive seen from u on the streets.......none...but Ill give you the benefit of the doubt that you have done two or three.....and Im pretty sure ur girl ratted on u for that heaven ya stupid hillbilly.....Too much pillow talk I guess


Anyway there was a period when all these oldies quit painting but then they saw all the new kids gettin busy and not really givin a fuck about them and they had to jump back in. Mostly thanks to Eon who had his panties in a bundle because of Coma and Nore......


I just get annoyed when people try to front on here like they did soooooooooo much shit, and then I was and am out painting and they dont have shit...........


Ill say it once and ill say it again, find ur way out of the redline, wall of fame, and anywhere in NW and U desrve respect......Alot of old heads and new heads alike have it twisted, DC was and isnt NW.....So I could care less if your are or were a U st king like Borf or Eon or got a tag up on one of those doors w/ 20 other tags that yall post up here...or have done a handful of productions.....Put in work all city and then u deserve props..........


Old guys have really gotten fame thats so out of proportion for what you all did. Guys like Cose, Tale, Fire, Tyme, were all painting at the same time as you or a little while after you, then came Ahoy, Over, Spok, Coma, Nore, and Jale (the last three again), and then all the newest guys like Rivers, Borf, Resizt, Nehi, etc, etc.................AND ALL OF THESE GROUPS HAVE DONE AS MUCH AS A LOT MORE AS EACH ONE OF YOU OLD WRITERS...SO PRETTY MUCH STOP TRYIN TO PUMP UR OWN NUTS....I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS WYWS OR CLEARS CONNECTS BUT YOUR PERSPECTIVES ARE ALL FUCKED UP EXCEPT FOR A HANDFUL OF YOU (PRETTY MUCH KGB)..................................................OH AND BTW DYER AND XRAE KILLED SHIT TO FOR AWHILE AND ARE OVERSHADOWED BY THIS SKEWED INTERNET AND OLD HEAD FAME

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I wanna thank the old heads in the forum for the words of advice...but i have to defend myself and some of my peers for just a second...back in the day DC had a tight ass scene. DC in general has some of the best known writers till this day. But people have to understand that DC has changed tremendously over the years and it has become harder to pull off anything without having the LAw up ur ass. Back when some of the old heads were burning shytt out on the street and on the Line's DC had other more serious problems then chasing a couple of writers around. The police was too busy chasing murderes and drug dealers. Im not saying that new heads now a days have an excuse to not bomb or burn but i believe we are entitled to be cut some slack. Ive always respected old heads. Period. and im glad we have some old heads teaching new heads wuzzup! I just wanted people too understand that some new heads are trying their best to live up to some DC writers names. Now that i gave my 2 cents im out. PZ to all those doing big things in DC and to all those who set that bar high is shytt for us too reach!


Cha, Jase, Con, Clear? Who else is truly some of the "best know writers to this day"? Those guys have done shitloads of fr8's OR owned a fuckin magazine(and slept with little girls). In fact Id say Coma and NorE are pretty well known and there not necesarily old heads......


DC is not that hot so quit making excuses....maybe the redlines now, but thats maybe 1/1000000000 of the city, so dont cop out and no slack needs to be given



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dont get this twisted.... ive always had the utmost respect for some real dc heads..... ultra/cast/kgb in general,,, kelt,big cert,some(alltime king in my book).. raz,clear,cave/belev/eon/sek/ smk/ vove/ all the id fam for that matter..exist and msp.. them cmfive kids, amen, reup, rezist,..... mad respect fellas.. dont mean to tak shit on ya homies but it is what it is................. check ya pockets..............[/quote


Clear is the fakest graff writer in the country. How could anyone respect him, specially the "utmost respect"??????

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as a healthy mental exercise, often, i try to humble myself because, i know next to nothing compared to writers who have been in this community twice as long as i have, its not something ive always practiced, it took me a while to subscribe to the philosophy, but since i have made that change, the respect that i have given has been given back 10 fold. i only regret that i didnt realize it earlier. on the flip side of it, having had the chance to spend time with writers who are younger than myself i can also say ive learned plenty from them as well. respect is a strong word that requires strong action, the ability to earn and keep respect is a skill that over shadows how good you are at graff, because at after you paint that spot, you still have to walk around in the world and if your too caught up in this graffworld hype then your just lost.


You don't have much to offer. You can't piece well with any consistency and you can't fight. The only people who respect you are the toys you put on; that is till they wise up and drop your crew.

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