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u should read this blog by UTAH & ETHER.




"This week’s featured paperwork is actually an electronic file in the form of an email obtained from search warrants placed on COPE 2 and OVIE’s email accounts. To make a long story short one of us was raided at a yard on December 16th, 2007 at a spot Cope2 knew we were going to. He was supposed to come along on the mission that night, but at the last minute canceled due to unspecified circumstances. Cope2 insisted on being on the phone with our look out ( a local NY writer) the entire time, unbeknownst to us. After narrowly escaping a set-up raid by foot chase on the snowy streets of Jerome Ave we drove around the surrounding streets to pick up our look out, who we then realized was on the phone with Cope2. Cope2 immediately became frustrated and frantic, yelling on the phone and insisting that he was not a snitch, even though no one ever accused him of being one at that point in time. It was all very weird and awkward."

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u should read this blog by UTAH & ETHER.




"This week’s featured paperwork is actually an electronic file in the form of an email obtained from search warrants placed on COPE 2 and OVIE’s email accounts. To make a long story short one of us was raided at a yard on December 16th, 2007 at a spot Cope2 knew we were going to. He was supposed to come along on the mission that night, but at the last minute canceled due to unspecified circumstances. Cope2 insisted on being on the phone with our look out ( a local NY writer) the entire time, unbeknownst to us. After narrowly escaping a set-up raid by foot chase on the snowy streets of Jerome Ave we drove around the surrounding streets to pick up our look out, who we then realized was on the phone with Cope2. Cope2 immediately became frustrated and frantic, yelling on the phone and insisting that he was not a snitch, even though no one ever accused him of being one at that point in time. It was all very weird and awkward."


:rolleyes: might wanna edit that link, i think you posted the wrong one



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u should read this blog by UTAH & ETHER.




"This week’s featured paperwork is actually an electronic file in the form of an email obtained from search warrants placed on COPE 2 and OVIE’s email accounts. To make a long story short one of us was raided at a yard on December 16th, 2007 at a spot Cope2 knew we were going to. He was supposed to come along on the mission that night, but at the last minute canceled due to unspecified circumstances. Cope2 insisted on being on the phone with our look out ( a local NY writer) the entire time, unbeknownst to us. After narrowly escaping a set-up raid by foot chase on the snowy streets of Jerome Ave we drove around the surrounding streets to pick up our look out, who we then realized was on the phone with Cope2. Cope2 immediately became frustrated and frantic, yelling on the phone and insisting that he was not a snitch, even though no one ever accused him of being one at that point in time. It was all very weird and awkward."




Here fat ass. Instead of posting the link, i will just post on the forum what was on the page that you linked.




Ashit Walker

fri night 7pm {Cre8} SpaceStudioGallery ""Love Stains & The Memory Remains" Opening Night feat. James Coleman, Alicia Cosnahan, Albus Cavus, Aniekan Udofia, myself & many more



Way to self promote yourself, you fat blob of shit. Your fuckin fat sausage link fingers probably hit 3 different keys when you type. Your an obsese blob of lard. No wonder your wife thinks your nasty, and has sex with multiple other men. Your pathetic. Thats why you dont have any friends your own age. You hang out with young guys half your age, because no other 40 year olds will respect a looser like you. Look at your life. Your a sad excuse for a man. No wonder your kids dont look up to you, and refuse to write graffitti. They see how much of a gay shit face their father is, and are ashamed to have u as a father. I bet when other kids ask what there father does. they say oh hes dead. cause they dont want to say what you really do. I think that you want to be cope. He really paints. and has been painting for many years. You on the other hand painted for a coupple of years took 15 years off, then now u are trying to come back. then you use other young boy writers to paint, and u go online to get fame. and for you guys talking about SMK. im not in love with his stuff but at least the guy is original and has his own style. He didnt copy someones style, and try to pass it off as his own. Look at guys like aera. Is AMEN NSF giving him outlines? Or does AMEN now write aera? I swear it looks like the same thing. Somebody post some AMEN freights next to aera. Its the same thing, mixed with some reup R's and Pear style.


and hey ultra..... YOUR FAT!

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Some more good stuff from the Utah & Ether blog:


Good Advice


“I thought i would share some information, something i have not seen anyone go into detail regarding on any of the blogs or forums in recent years. It concerns exif data. Exif data is a digital code your camera imprints into every photo you take, and sticks with it where ever it travels around the internet and among friends etc. Details such as time and date, are easily messed up by just not setting your time correctly, but what is hard to shift, and what can fuck you royally, is the serial number of the camera used to take the photo.

You take a photo of a panel, and that ends up on the internet, with very simple software you can decode that photo to find the camera model, and serial number. Where do you think an internet search for other photos uploaded with that same serial number attached to it will lead? More than likely, your personal facebook page, or blog, website or personal flickr. If the shot is clearly a yard or night shot, thats your door off the hinges at 7am, and probably the camera itself, within your room, and more than likely for most, some sort of literature that shows you like graffiti on trains. Pretty tech stuff, but this is 2011 and thats a tiny part of the high tech shit they will use to track you down. So keep your fliks off the net, exif data is trashable, with techy software, but a simpler way to get rid of most of the data, if you must send it to someone, is to open the flik and print screen it and send that one.

Safe Benching.”

Found the above here. Pretty on point stuff.

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i just finished readed the history of D.C. graff book by roger gastman. i thought it was a pretty good read!! but does any one have any go-go graffiti to post?? i wanna see more of that stuff and is there any go-go graff thats still ridin or is it all buffed away?? thanks....

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laughing dumbass, 10 posts and all of them talking shit on ultra and kgb. keep hating, you only motivate us, your bad english mixed with country talk are similiar to our favorite 3 letter fan.


thanks to your posts ultra is going on a diet and trying to reclaim his family, aera is going to start doing 3d style pieces and smk is wiping your slob off his dick.


and if you feel so strong about it, there is an address on ultra´s post, go see him...

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Way to self promote yourself, you fat blob of shit. Your fuckin fat sausage link fingers probably hit 3 different keys when you type. Your an obsese blob of lard. No wonder your wife thinks your nasty, and has sex with multiple other men. Your pathetic. Thats why you dont have any friends your own age. You hang out with young guys half your age, because no other 40 year olds will respect a looser like you. Look at your life. Your a sad excuse for a man. No wonder your kids dont look up to you, and refuse to write graffitti. They see how much of a gay shit face their father is, and are ashamed to have u as a father. I bet when other kids ask what there father does. they say oh hes dead. cause they dont want to say what you really do. I think that you want to be cope. He really paints. and has been painting for many years. You on the other hand painted for a coupple of years took 15 years off, then now u are trying to come back. then you use other young boy writers to paint, and u go online to get fame. and for you guys talking about SMK. im not in love with his stuff but at least the guy is original and has his own style. He didnt copy someones style, and try to pass it off as his own. Look at guys like aera. Is AMEN NSF giving him outlines? Or does AMEN now write aera? I swear it looks like the same thing. Somebody post some AMEN freights next to aera. Its the same thing, mixed with some reup R's and Pear style.


and hey ultra..... YOUR FAT!




Ferreal brah!!


Also, I'd argue that AERA looks nothing like AMEN ... and by pear's style do you mean "looks like graffiti painted in 2011" ...? cmon now.

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You might be a wack writer like me but you dont know shit about my breakfast game!! NOONE and i mean, NOONE wants it with me in breakfast. I'll son you FAST. Eggs cooked to perfection. Bacon lightly crisped. Get the fuck OUT!


You see that croissant? Buttery. Flaky. Pull that shit right apart, you can butter each individual layer. I can see the hatred in your eyes.


I see you scrapin the crust out of that tub of I Can't Believe. Scrape that shit with a plastic knife on that dry ass bagel you nasty motherfucker.



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yo, i really apologize for wrong link. the correct one is: http://www.utahether.com/2011/02/09/paperwork-wednesday-week-1/... its a dope blog.


i also apologize for being fat and in my 40's. i assume yr skinny and in yr 20's. why am i still up more than ur whole crew?


funny thing is: i make money doing what i love, come home every night and put my kids to bed and praise allah.

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