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DC Graf Awards


Top Street Bomber

1. CHE KGB & MOE ATB (tie)

These dudes are killing it with radically different approaches to the sport. CHE has much improved this year and has been dabbling with many different styles. MOE is throwing caution to the wind and burying DC under a blizzard of handstyles and throwies. I'm glad to have been a part in squashing beef between these 2 earlier this year.



On the come up! CHE partners up with this street killer for a reason.



Farewell, homie. If this guy had stayed in DC, this list might look a little different.



Top Legal Graf

1. DEMON 202 DOTCOM(Edgewood Mural Jam, Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Ctr.)

Like Prince sang: "Controversy!" If you can stand to have your religious sensibilities challenged, the dopest piece all year.


Top Illegal Graf

1. Michael Jackson Tribute, JUJU (Fort Totten Metro Station)

Not the best, technically... but subject matter, location and execution make this el primo.


(dis?)Honorable Mention: MOE tag on Adams Morgan mural.

Almost as many people talked about this as the MJ tribute. That's what graf is about, folks.



Top Non-Graf Street Artist


She's my homegirl, but she goes out and gets it in. Might not be the by-the-book vandal's cup of tea, but she probably has more spots than you, so shut up.







Best Mural

1. Edgewood Mural, Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Ctr. (CHOR Boogie, POSE 2, DECOY & Quest Skinner)


2. Takoma Park Metro Mural (DEMON 202)


3. Girard St. Park Mural (Aniekan, POSE 2)




Strictly bombing, I don't know writers that took all city earlier than Dan, when I was coming up he was it. mid-to-late-1990s when I traveled all city it was Cast, Smk, Cert, Some, Dan, Ultra were everywhere (just my perception), Neighborhoods-I-dont-care-how-hard-you-think-you-are, you are not stepping into unmolested. There were other stand-outs like Sire and Stren but that is who came to mind. 2000-2007 I wasn't traveling all city so I dont have shit to say, but now i'm back traveling all city and this year Moe and Che took it for 2009, edge to Che.



Get your tomatoes ready



I think Cert is DC's most prolific bomber, I think he has painted more spots around the city and gone strong longer than Dan (not painted longer), but I wasn't exactly walking DC streets in the 80s. It is like breaking Cal Ripken's attendance record, sacred stuff to some, thoughts?

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all-city and most prolific are difficult to define. their were shitloads of writers before dan. i remember being on the bus downtown in '79 - '80 and seeing so many taggers. even dan will tell you he was influenced by the huge amount of taggers of the '70s and early '80s... around 83 there came a kind of switch from DC go go tagging to the more popular (now) NY style... i used to tag in go go style for some time (starting in 82) and still have many people come up to me and say "HOBO?" (the lady who did my IRA and life insurance)... i switched to RAGE and moved to NYC in 84... when i came back Dan was def running things, along w CYCLE, VIEW, KIER, CERT, CAST, EXACTO and more... any one of those names was up as much if not more than even MOE and CHE now... the difference is huge. DC looks empty to me now after i came home from prison in '01... (btw the most up in lorton? me and CAST, but i came later and stayed longer than he did) CERT def gets props for keeping it going, one of the few... anyway the point i'm trying to make, is get up and go out and hit those streets. DC has a long history of graf, with or without NY style... and lots of walls. you might have to go into some hoods or maybe think outside the box and get some walls no ones ever thought of getting... i painted murals and canvases all year and i get more phone calls and email about little burners i do than anything... but fame is the name of the game...

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thanks for the insight, I definatley agree DC looks empty compared to how it was, a lot of that probably has to do with the fact walls were not buffed as fast - if at all.

Even Georgetown was covered, the canals had good work, a cycle piece I stared at for ten minutes on key bridge made me decide I wanted to paint - now look at georgetown - and most of DC, paint a main street and buffed within the week.


back on subject, When early guys painted their stuff it ran for a long time so it is hard to compare today's bombers to yesterdays

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the-fuzzy-one...Sharpie paint pen

The crack and aids era of the 80's and 90's is being replaced by the non-profit era. The hookers and dealers took the heat of the writers. NW is like Virginia now.

Go bombing in a suit with a briefcase.

Chance is my only homie that's got killed in 4 years. Its like a new city.

Murder Capital Artist, The Mad Alky, Ever Lasting Writers, Lyrics And Beats

Some of my favs from the 90's... CDD, that Scott piece by the bread wall, Some, Cast, Exakto, Smk, Cert, Kier, Ultra, Cycle, Felon, Cha, Jase, Mesk, Dose, Scope, Black, Eon, Eyore, Cram, Texifer, Rage, Scream, Taint, Dah, Rust, Sare, DBK, Fire, Tale, angel kissing devil, Moc





4 Andrew




They buffed this one unusually fast.



circa '98


Painted with the left when the right freezes up

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All these spots that niggas is painting, i already burned em. yea..im the the original all-city king. pieces , throwies, tags. PEAR does it real proper.Like a real all out king. All you bamma's are real green. go get a late pass. Less we forget who the real cult figure is????? Nuff said.

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