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Arguments, Sarcasm, Facetiousness


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soupbdc why do you edit every post you make?


I always read what I wrote a few minutes after I posted it and there's always an error or something that could be clarified: that time it was a break in code and it read like I was quoting myself when it shouldn't have.



Edit: and hardy har har sould really try to stop being SO funny.

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Yes this is totally true. I'm from the NorthEast and have lived South and West.

People here are cynical. We're always in a hurry to get more done, but then complain about

how much there is to do. That sets the tone. We like to drive ourselves crazy so it only makes

sense we drive our friends a little crazy as well. Yeah, and being in a hurry gets you stressed out.

Blowing off steam by matching wits with the crew is always fun. Otherwise you might actually

act on the urge to choke the shit out of the jerk who just cut you off.

Or, we just have a disproportionate amount of loud mouthed jerks who think they're qualified to

impose their opinion on the undeserving public. See the Boston thread in BrickSlayers.

Mostly we like to talk shit.

It's wicked fun.

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Sounds good. You would do well here.

You might only have a few friends here.

People seem to stick to little groups of

four or five friends. I guess, creatively

speaking. As long as everyone is talking

shit and complaining about each other

doing so much shit talking and complaining,

then people generally get along. You have to

feed the machine you know.

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