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"Terror" Plot "Thwarted" in England


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did anyone identify me from what degrees i said i had? oh fuck?! oh wait, they didn't


how should the towers have fell? did the top 40 floors falling straight down and pancaking not make sense to you? did you not know that they were design to 'crash safe'?


fuck it. back up all the points you just made from a half-respectable news source or kill yourself. either way, i'll be happy

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i don't really care about operation ajax.


and that article said that they were moving the gold after 9-11, so which is it? the gold seemed pretty safe to me.


i don't know what you mean by insider trading, perhaps you're referring to the short selling that the terrorists did that day, which was essentially a bet that the economy would stumble after they pulled off the attacks?

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Lawyer: Accused Man Knew of Attacks



Filed at 11:31 p.m. ET


SAN DIEGO (AP) -- An Egyptian-born financial analyst charged in a nationwide stock swindle may have known about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and tried to profit from them, a federal prosecutor said Friday.


But a judge disregarded the suggestion and the analyst's lawyer said it was ``smacking of racial profiling.''


Amr I. ``Tony'' Elgindy telephoned his broker on Sept. 10 and asked him to liquidate his children's $300,000 trust account, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Breen told a federal judge at Elgindy's detention hearing.


``He made a comment predicting the market would drop to 3,000'' at a time when the Dow Jones stock index was at 9,600, Breen said. ``Perhaps Mr. Elgindy had pre-knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks. Instead of trying to report it, he tried to profit from it.''


Elgindy, 34, of Encinitas, was ordered held without bond on charges of racketeering, extortion and obstruction of justice. Before issuing the order, Magistrate Judge John Houston said he was going to ``disregard'' the suggestion that Elgindy had anything to do with the terror attacks.


Elgindy did not speak during the hourlong hearing.


His attorney, Jeanne Knight, said Elgindy did call his broker to make a trade, but the timing was coincidental and the market had been dropping for months. The broker was unable to liquidate the trust account until Sept. 18, she added.


``It seems like the government, for lack of factual evidence, has decided to smear my client with terrorist innuendoes,'' Knight said. ``This is smacking of racial profiling.''


Breen made his accusations as prosecutors tried to convince Houston that Elgindy was a flight risk and should be denied bail.


Elgindy, one of five defendants in the case, was arrested May 22 on an indictment issued by a grand jury in New York.


In exchange for money, two FBI agents used confidential databases to provide Elgindy and other co-conspirators with information on publicly traded companies, the indictment said.


Elgindy allegedly spread negative information about the companies on his Web site and to subscribers of his e-mail newsletter, InsideTruth.com, while betting that the companies' stock would go down.


In one case, a former FBI agent searched the agency's confidential National Crime Information Center database and discovered the criminal history of a top executive for a company called Nuclear Solutions, the indictment said. The same day, Elgindy began sending e-mail calling the executive ``a convicted felon,'' then sold the company's stock short, the papers said.


Earlier this week, FBI agents raided Elgindy's $2.2 million mansion. Inside, agents said, they found tens of thousands of dollars in cash and gold coins. The government is seeking to seize Elgindy's fleet of cars, including a Rolls-Royce, a Jaguar and a Humvee.


The charges carry a maximum penalty of 65 years in prison.

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Still Silence From 9-11 Stock Speculation Probe


Dave Eberhart, NewsMax

Monday, June 3, 2002


Within a month of 9-11, the SEC, acting in concert with the Department of Justice, distributed a target list of 38 stocks to securities firms around the world looking for information about who might have profited by at least apparent pre-knowledge of the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. To date there has not been a public word from any agency as to whether they have snagged anyone.


According to market analysts, the investment of choice by someone with pre-knowledge of the catastrophe would be a type of market speculation involving so-called "put” options. Simplified, a put is a bet that a particular stock will go down.


The two most obvious stocks for such speculation by anyone with "insider” dope on the attacks are American and United airlines, the two hapless carriers that had planes hijacked and used as aerial bombs.


Both carriers are on the SEC list, which includes among others: Continental, Northwest, Southwest, USAirways, Lockheed Martin, John Hancock, MetLife, General Motors, Raytheon, W.R. Grace, Lone Star Technologies, American Express, the Bank of New York, Bank One, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley.


Those in the industry are speculating themselves – and the best bet so far is that the official silence by the investigating agencies is owing to a lack of much to report.


As FBI Director Robert Mueller has conceded, precious little -- if any -- paper trail concerning the hijackers themselves has been detected after eight months of investigation. It would be surprising, therefore, that an alternate paper trail of illicit profits in the market would be any less elusive.


Furthermore, market experts say that the history of pre-Sept. 11 "puts” in the key United and American stocks indicates nothing unusual and netted investors what is deemed by industry experts as only modest profits as those two stocks fell predictably.


On Sept. 6, 2001 2,075 put options were made on United Airlines, and on the day before the attacks, 2,282 put options were made on American Airlines.


Using the United transaction as an example -- the 2,075 put options, with each put option representing 100 shares of stock -- indicates that someone controlled 207,500 shares of United. The stock dropped from $31 to $18, giving the speculator a $13 profit.


The action in the American Airlines is equally unspectacular – at least by industry standards where the big players may pick up or drop hundreds of millions in such transactions. Between United and American, about $22 million in profits was made on the put options.


Business As Usual


Not only does the relatively modest action belie some daring market conspiracy by those in touch with terror plans, but the pre-Sept. 11 market history is also consistent, more or less, with business as usual. Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLC, a consulting company that does research on markets worldwide, has crunched the numbers and recently told Insight magazine:


"The market was in bad shape in the summer and early fall, and you know there were a lot of people who believed that there would be a sell-off in the market long before Sept. 11. For instance, American Airlines was at $40 in May and fell to $29 on Sept. 10; United was at $37 in May and fell to $31 on Sept. 10. These stocks were falling anyway, and it would have been a good time to short them.”


The downward trend in the airline stocks was backed up in the pre-Sept. 11 trading picture.


Insight reported that there were repeated spikes in put options on American Airlines during the year before Sept. 11 (June 19 with 2,951 puts, June 15 with 1,144 puts, April 16 with 1,019 and Jan. 8 with 1,315 puts). In the same period, United Airlines had slightly more action (Aug. 8 with 1,678 puts, July 20 with 2,995, April 6 with 8,212 and March 13 with 8,072).


With United and American stock transactions, and across the board, there is an automated system called the CBOE Market Surveillance System, which automatically records information trades. The existence of this sophisticated surveillance system, designed to ferret out inside-traders, would have given federal investigators a pretty quick look at what, if anything, was untoward in the market just prior to 9-11.


All the more reason to wonder what’s going on and taking so long, say the experts.


And it is not just the SEC and FBI that is still mired in the 9-11 profiteering probe. Japan, Germany, the U.K., France, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Spain have their own investigations running.


Like their U.S. counterparts, nothing has been forthcoming.


So far, the only break in the silence has been the apparent impromptu courtroom outburst of assistant U.S. attorney Kenneth Breen, who recently accused Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, an Egyptian-born stockbroker on trial in San Diego, with knowing in advance about 9-11 and capitalizing on the insider information by attempting to unload $300,000 worth of shares on Sept. 10, 2001.


In court Breen charged that on the afternoon of Sept. 10, Elgindy contacted his broker at Salomon Smith Barney and asked him to sell the stock, confiding in the broker that the Dow Jones industrial average, which at the time stood at about 9,600, would soon dive to below 3,000.


Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

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you guys can just keep believing in fake terrorists and

bad guys in caves. just keep believing in the dream. then you best learn yourself some heal clicking and learn to shout "zieg heil!" real loud like so your fuhrer can hear you and know you are a good american.

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anyone who knows anything about the stock market would be wise to bet against the airlines because they are fundamentally dog shit financial entities anyway, have been for about a decade.


i've got a new theory, goodluck disproving it. a bunch of far left nut cases got together and said 'let's perform this attrocity, make it look like the terrorists did it, then we can hold our heads high and try to oust that SOB Bush who stole the election from my binky, Al Gore. then we can all write books and go on tv and teach classes and basically shovel horse shit around and get paid handsomely to do it, all under the guise of being the true patriotic americans'

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i'm not clicking that link, i'm at work.


final thought. you say all these things are true. other people with more information and training and education say they are not true, and they contradict your sources. why should i believe your point, which is more of a stretch, when you have less credible 'evidence' to back it up? so far all i've seen is links to articles that are about peripheral shit, speculation on your part, and interviews with people who seem to have a vested interest in proving this conspiracy.


Balogna, out

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fake terrorists?! so no radical muslims hate america and practice jihad?



not until we got ahold of them. you see, symbols, it works like this.

we want something really bad. let's say, a prime territory. it's got oil,

opium, sits in a prime spot for invading other countries (china, etc).

these people are pretty far off from technology. what do we do?

first we install atrained killer in govt. (saddam hussein), we overthrow,

through covert ops (operation ajax) muslim leaders, we implant hateful speak

into their ideology (real muslims aren't about killing each other or other people), we decide when it's time to heat it up, overthrow our dictators

and our plants (bin laden, hussein, etc) we take over the opium trade (increased in afghanistan since we invaded).


so what have we got? oil, drug money, huge bases that dwarf anything you've ever seen (being built in iraq right now). we aren't leaving. surprised?


now, since bush's approval ratings have gone down so far, we can't invade a country like iran. but we want it. so, we ahve our little bitch israel do the dirty for us. we amp up the situation by new terror attacks. "IRAN DID IT!"

now, we have an excuse to invade iran with israel at our side.


all the stuff in between is getting us reay for the civvie inmate labor camps, the "detention" centers, the forced military service, the total deconstruction of the u.s.a. etc.


forgive me for whizzing by all the other stuff. it's very important, and i'm sure you can look it up for youself.

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i'm not clicking that link, i'm at work.


final thought. you say all these things are true. other people with more information and training and education say they are not true, and they contradict your sources. why should i believe your point, which is more of a stretch, when you have less credible 'evidence' to back it up? so far all i've seen is links to articles that are about peripheral shit, speculation on your part, and interviews with people who seem to have a vested interest in proving this conspiracy.


Balogna, out



all i do is provide you guys with govt documents, reliable news outlet sources, etc.


it seems like everyone is so intent on disproving me, that they are blind

to the govt links i post. hell, if they don't tell you anything, i don't know what to tell you except for "ZIEG HEIL!" learn to click



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if the united states ever invades iran or china, i will eat a piece of poop in times square, and you will know it because there will be a news story about a guy eating poop in times square wearing a sign that says 'lord casek was right.' until then, put all this conspiracy crap in a bottle and piss in another, see which fills up first.

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how is it conspiracy that we've waged terror plots? we meaning the u.s of a.

how is it conspiracy that our leaders forged a plan to blow up civvie planes

to invade cuba? or that george w. wanted to paint planes UN white and fly them over iraq so

hussein would shoot them down? it's all a pretext for war type thing.

what "they" want is war to increase their own profits and total control of us,

the "useless feeders".

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I am a republican. I also know that this supposed terror plot is a DISTRACTION...The supposed muslim groups have all been infiltrated heavily by intelligence agencies and are now just being used as pawns in a grand chess game.

Now you can all argue until you are blue in the face about 9-11 and who did it.

I will not say who, but I will address the outcome of tthose attacks- america had the go ahead to invade 2 countries. America has now implemented a new security apparatus on our own people. Open statements that they monitor our calls, our emails, our financial transactions, everything we do....and that my friends, is not PARANOID CONSPIRACY. That is fact. So no 1984 hype here at all...There is an entire cultural shift taknig place, call it social conditioning if you will...and these are all parts of continuing the conditioning of the masses.


Distraction devices...Want to rob a bank...start a fire two blocks away.

Adapt and overcome.

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did any one see Tony Snow's press conference yesterday? He basically blamed George Bush ( senior ) for 9-11. It went somethng like this: ( paraphrased ) If the administration of 1991 had stayed the coarse in IRAQ then Osamma Bin Ladin would not have recieved the US as being week.... thus the 9-11 attacks never would have happened." to me that's fucking crazy. Republicans blaming other Republicans for 9-11.....

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i'm beginning to think that alot of people want this

to be untrue. they want it so badly, that they blur out

everything that is even remotely contradictory to what

their leaders say is true.


it's so hard for people to cope with the fact that life as we knew it

is over. not because of some guys living in a cave in some remote mountains

call all the shots. not because the world trade centers fell down.

it's because we let ourselves be fooled by our very own "leaders".


it's already proven that diebolds machines were very hackable.

by a fucking monkey, even. it's already know that clinton had dealings

in the mena scandal. that little boys who were sex salves of some top officials

got midnight tours of the whitehouse, that there are some odd rituals that go on

in a place called bohemian grove, that ollie north got off scott free for commiting treason.

it's known that dubyah has very powerful friends, rove and cheney are heading up our govt,

donald rumsfeld lies continuously and can't keep his story straight, the gloablists are in control. there is no federal reserve. it's not even federal. the spp is stripping our borders.

our dollar value is being fucked with a hot iron. and no one cares.


do you see what is happening in mexico? those people saw election fraud and they are rising up. they are shutting down highways, they are taking control. we aren't that brave.

our peolpe are too intent on living the dream. even when it's become a nightmare.

there is no more patriotism. there is no more united states of america.

everyone cares too much about his/her winning team.

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did any one see Tony Snow's press conference yesterday? He basically blamed George Bush ( senior ) for 9-11. It went somethng like this: ( paraphrased ) If the administration of 1991 had stayed the coarse in IRAQ then Osamma Bin Ladin would not have recieved the US as being week.... thus the 9-11 attacks never would have happened." to me that's fucking crazy. Republicans blaming other Republicans for 9-11.....



they are looking for patsies. scraping. they wanted the noraad tapes to be the big blaming gun.


funny thing about bush sr. and his ties to alot of people involved.

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that article is about larry king (black republican) and his boys town escapades.

it all really happpened. the fbi covered it up. lots of people escaped indictment.

lots of very powerful people.


bone up on your stuff. obviously it's not me who doesn't knwo what he's talking about.


as for bohemian grove, i don't know about human sacrifices, but there is a mock human sacrifice. it's called "the cremation of care". happens right in front of that giant stone owl. yeah.


this is all publicly available information. you're just turning a blind eye to it because it's mroe fun to say stuff about me being crazy and wearing a tinfoil hat. whatever. it's all the same. iv'e dealt with people like you before. i know the tactics.

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The majority are sleeping and will try and argue points that ignore the fact that these acts are moving forward an agenda. An agenda that has been in place for a long, long time. The agenda will not stop no matter what. The easiest way to hide the truth is to tell it straight up and no one will believe it. Look, it is happeneing. Orwell was a pawn used to aclimate the people to the future, and now they are used to it and not revolting against it. Those who were revolted by the thought of big brother are now the age bracket embracing it, using pda's, cell phones etc..they are the market for the big sports, distractions..it is all ok..the plans were drawn out long ago.And they will be implemented at all costs.

The next step will deal with the merging of all government into a world governing body after the final batlles are fought.

Back to you regular scheduled programming, kiddies.

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I gotta say that I made this thread at about 4:30 in the morning, around the time that I believe that article was posted. By the time 4:30 AM hits, I'm at the peak of my suspicious, manic paranoia. THERE VERY WELL MAY HAVE BEEN A TERRORIST PLOT THAT WAS STOPPED. I know there is a huge faction of Muslims that wants this country, Israel, and any country connected to us to be destroyed. The worst damage conspiracy theories do is to play down this issue. There are questions from 9/11 that remain unanswered, but there are also many, many people out there that want western civilization destroyed, including non-Muslims.


What I'm taking issue with, is the lack of information in this front-page leading web story. There is nothing at all in terms of actual evidence of it being stopped and yet it is paraded on the front page of CNN.com as a major victory. In the past, there have been numerous "stories" about plot foilings that have overtaken key issues on front pages, such as the wiretapping scandals and 2,500 US deaths in Iraq. Aside from Lebanon and Iraq, there are also new torture allegations going on, the Guantanamo Bay prisoner rights scandals, and so on. The Chicago plan that was "thwarted" a couple of months ago proved to have no connection to Islamic religions, none of the members had any sort of written plans or tools, and none of them had ever been to Chicago.


This is a good para-quote from a Band of Brothers episode I watched last night, where a sargent and a grunt are sitting in a trench on the front line, the sargent says: "It's all a game, we're just moving the ball up one yard at a time." That's what these guys are doing, they have all the power and they are still trying to move the ball up one yard at a time, there is huge resistence against them. Propaganda stories have been used in the same fashion many times before to reach the same ends.

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