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to quote a an OG

exhibit A

"there are two types of graffiti trying to co-exist out there"

exhibit B

"i am not a graffiti artist i am a graffiti bomber"



Nice!....I like pretty red squares....Just shit stirring because there seems to be alot of tension in this thread (egos) The guy needs todo more cop cars.

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dude bombs thats it, seems like all ny is nowdays is throwys and tags, gets a bit boring after a while when everyones doing the same played out letters and chrome fills with black outlines, for those hating on msk, At least msk fuckin kills everything, they are a true graff crew. they can do everything burners, sick tags, throwys, productions, traveling the world, shit i dont see ja or any xtc.ykk crew killing anywhere but the states. im not hating on ja or xtc.ykk im just stating that there not upto par to battle msk.

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i really feel sorry for ja's dad. to have an unemployed, loser, drug addict, criminal son that he has to support. imagine having to support a 40 yr old son who has gray hair. imagine being 40 and knocking on your dads door each month, asking for cash. it must be so embarasing for his dad to even tell people about him.

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i really feel sorry for ja's dad. to have an unemployed, loser, drug addict, criminal son that he has to support. imagine having to support a 40 yr old son who has gray hair. imagine being 40 and knocking on your dads door each month, asking for cash. it must be so embarasing for his dad to even tell people about him.


i feel sorry for your momma

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which one? the rolling stone article?


i find it so funny people take offense when someone says something against JA, as if he gives a damn about what the internet says. why do so many people take offense when something is said about a guy 99% of you veiwing and posting on this thread dont even know?


that in my book is the definition of dick riding. yes he's up..duh. everyone, whether you paint or not knows this. IM not hating on him, because he's got more ups that i probably ever will, and for that, just sheer numbers alone, i respect. you cant, CANT hate on that. however, i think some people put forward valid points about him, meaning the name on the wall. he even said it himself in his rolling stone interview, he tries not to associate with his dad, and vice versa. People put forward valid points about his style not really evolving, which as a writer, looks bad. then again, CAP hasnt changed his shit either, so theres that.

is it too much to ask that he change it up a bit? maybe, maybe not. the only person qualified to make that call is him. he should be the only one telling off people for talking shit. which he isnt doing, because he's probably too busy painting. which we should probably be doing instead of cussing each other out for having an opinion contrary to the norm.

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