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my small urban toy collection..what do you think?


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i just started collecting but this is what i got sooo far....






I agree, this collection is small, but if you continue, then it will be big. Which one is the tooth? I mean the representive reason for collecting this body of items.


A collection has three elements: the HEAD, the TOOTH, and the BODY. The HEAD are the rare and highest value of either money or sentiment interest. The TOOTH defines the reason why you started the collection in the first place. The BODY is the whole collection including and/or excluding the HEAD and TOOTH.


also - what is your shelf and support made from? It looks like acrylic and stainless steel. anyways, cool.


also2 - what do you mean by urban?

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i dont care who made these things...in 5 years you wont be able to give these things away. graffiti toys are the new jungle green.



I had the same outlook on Skateboarding for a while , after I started in 1986 . I stopped caring about the whole fad and trend of Tony Hawk video games and ESPM , Gravity Games bullshit and had a lot more fun back like when I was 12 and starting . :)

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this things -as you call dem- from 5 years ago are like golden on todays market,so im not sure of what you saying..


and im not sure if you are talking about vintage spray paint or these silly ass toys...im not denying these things are selling well right now. what im saying is that in 4 or 5 years no one is going to give a shit and what was going for $300 on ebay now will be going for $40 in a few years. market-wise, its a fad.


thats what im saying.

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