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in your sleep have you ....


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Guest R@ndomH3ro
my boy once in drunken stupidity woke up.. went to the bathroom while his roomates girlfriend was in there... on the bowl... just whipped it out and started pissing on her lap while she was screaming at him. he finished and went bak to his room




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we had an after party in an unamed hotel a while back and of course one person passes out while everyone else is still up. after being out cold for an hour or so he got up, staggered through the crowd to the TV and whipped his shit out and pissed all over the TV. man did it stink.


on a totally separate occasion:


at one of my old places i had a friend who was passed out on the floor and all of a sudden just jumped up and ran to the bathroom. it was a straight shot from the living room. well, odly enough the bathroom door was closed. you know, one of those cheap ass hollow doors with 1/8 inch brown panels. no one was in it but it was closed. he ran right into the door and busted right through it getting stuck in the panneling and passing back out. it was what felt like good ten minutes until we desided to take him out. soaked in piss, we threw him back on the floor and kept drinking.

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I think if my friend ever started drunk pising all over my shit I'd hafta hit em...I woke up one time to find I was covered in puke, that kid got a few good shots. My only drunk piss story is after my junior prom...we were all sleepin in my boys basement and one kid was gettin up early for six flags so I told him he had to sleep in the bathroom so that his alarm wouldn't wake me up. About 6 I wake up not to an alarm, but to him screamin cuz another friend had pissed all over him

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ok this might be the last one for me....my buddy just bought a new house so we went over there to party and one of my other buddies went and passed out on the floor in his computer room which has big sliding doors that lead out to the deck and it was pouring out that night....so im passed out in the living room and the next morning my buddy comes out and his entire right side is soaked and he is just saying how he smells like piss and thinks someone pissed on him but it doesnt smell like human piss and he's gagging off the smell....it turned out that the old lady who owned the house before had 2 dogs that used to go in that room just to piss on that rug and the rain had got in through the sliding deck doors and leaked onto the rug...this caused the piss to get stirred up again and get all over him...they had the rug ripped up shortly after..........

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