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getting paid from your graff skills


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show off your work to people in workin place, word is more powerful than anything and people could use your graff skills for there advertizement, but prolly not make enough money to make a living, but it could be worth it.

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Very vaginal!




I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Vote for Peace" and it made me think how much bullshit there is about voting, I didn't see the "Peace" box on the ballot last time, and what the fuck is wrong with people and thinking their bumper sticker is going to change anything?


Then I got high, sat in the garden and decided to become a graphic designer in my spare time.



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Nice doing corny interior tromp l'oily like that is money in the pocket, I love that stuff. If you can get away with using spraypaint for it and it's faster why not, I usually don't like the look with spray on drywall it doesn't look right, I stick to latex and brush for stuff like the grapes and leaves, I just want less and less to do with using spraypaint indoors.


Looks good enough though, and looks fast which is what matters with jobs like that. If they want painstaking work they must pay painstaking wages.

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with small details brush is the way to go but truthfully i havent used any in awhile.

im definitely slacking in that department. with small subject matter in spray i can only really just imply shapes.

with belton i get minimum overspray but i do get the occasional complaints that it stinks

they dont realise how bad it would smell if i was using rusto.

it took me about 90 minutes. i always take my time i find i make less mistakes the longer i take.

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that's cool, I did the grapes on a vine thing at a mediterranean restaurant. I did the same thing with the grapes.....spray dot, but the vines I did some ill tribal lookin' vines that I came back and cut with a brush in the color of the wall paint...looked sharp. I wish I had flicks. here's the same restaurant though...different location.









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yeah, except I went to the bank today to cash his post dated check and it had more bounce than ma diddley dee the overweight lover.....I'm not worried though. I do a lot of business with this guy, he eventually always pays me.


a simple van I lettered for him





and the brick oven pizza awnings...

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