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a tool to depopulate the world


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seriously casek i admire what you try to do on here but you come out with the most unfounded shit sometimes


dude, unfounded? howso? i can post articles and quotes (as i have been doing) from the people involved.


"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

--David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405




"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

---David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberger meeting






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From page 243 (in 1991) German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses the elite of the world at a lakeside talk. Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography, "Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, says that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilberberg group. He also says that he has been an active participant in bringing in world government. Mr. Schmidt also said in his book that leaders from globalist bodies travel to the Grove every summer. He talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals.

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seems like you guys can't use google and you're afraid what i'm telling you is true. it's why you keep on contesting it and not researching it yourselves. everything i talk about, write about, etc. has all been documented in major publications, quoted from the people themselves, etc.



do the damn reading. don't just sit here and scoff like a bunch of baffoons. you're not with them, so why do you make excuses for them?

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Casek, where is the citation for that quote by Rockefeller at Bilderberger? I did a google search but could find nothing.


Or maybe I found something and the robots changed my memory to make me think I didn't.




2342: Good link, I feel sadly vindicated.

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Casek, where is the citation for that quote by Rockefeller at Bilderberger? I did a google search but could find nothing.


Or maybe I found something and the robots changed my memory to make me think I didn't.




2342: Good link, I feel sadly vindicated.



i believe you can probably find it in the minutes of the bilderburg meeting.

i'll have to go searching again.

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you know mamerro, ever since that quote was brought up i've been very reluctant to repeat it since i haven't been able to put a credible source to it like i originally thought. i have a fuzzy recollection that i probably made a bullshit excuse for it at the time, so...touche.

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It's probably listed in the same places that quote Ariel Sharon during that meeting with General Ouze.


There's a shitload of DU in Vieques next door. I'm glad the Navy's out.



took long enough for them to get out of PR, huh?

aren't there still a few bases that haven't shut down as of yet?

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took long enough for them to get out of PR, huh?

aren't there still a few bases that haven't shut down as of yet?


Yeah, 60 years. Ft. Buchannan is the only major base still active since the closing of Vieques and Ceiba, but there's a couple of smaller Air Force and Coast Guard installations, as well as a sizeable Ntnl. Guard installation at Camp Santiago.


Roosevelt Roads and Vieques was by far the largest on the island. It's departure has opened the doors for the entire demilitarization of the island.

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there was a good documentary on Vieques not too long ago on LinkTV about how they got the military base to close due to all the weapons testing they were doing there. dont know if anyone caught it. really inspiring.

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Yeah, I'm not too keen on entire demilitarization except as a pathway to independence, which is my political ideal.


Even the Vieques departure itself was so abrupt it left some negative lingering effects in terms of employment for people on the island and the economy of Ceiba (where the base was actually located, Vieques was just a weapons testing and training facility), but hopefully it'll balance itself out. I've heard about some plans for turning the Ceiba base into a massive eco-resort, which sounded pretty awesome to me. Vieques however, has a lot of unexploded ordnance and DU lying around, so it'll take a while to reclaim those territories.

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in the documentary, the people wanted to clean up and preserve all the land where all those munitions were laying around but the army had thrown up fences everywhere and basically were not letting them have access or cleaning it up themselves.


it looked like a beautiful place, i hope they can clean it up soon. theres ALOT of people there that contract cancer as a result of all the weapons testing. i think one of the figures was something like half of all high school aged boys end up with it.

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Unless those people have radioactive suits, decontamination areas, and alternative sites to dump the radioactive material, I can understand why the military would put up fences to keep them out. It's not that the military is just trying to cover it up, it's that they have tons of radioactive waste and nowhere to put it.

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personally i think it's a poor piece. it's all over the place. the inclusion of references to the 'illuminati' and conspiracy favourite bill cooper when discussing real policies also makes me question the author' date=' not to mention 'man made pandemics, such as AIDS'...[/quote']


Larry Pubes is Stereotype.

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OUCH! heh heh heh.. casek, now i'm a neo-con because i don't believe everything you say on here? that's fuckin' funny buddy. actually i'm a bunch of old names. el mam, or my dude tesser will vouch for who i am. you may remember stereotype and another crossfire regular having some great back-&-forths, sidelining numerous threads with complete and utterly childish bullshit. those were the days, too bad that douche isn't around anymore.


so then, who are you "12OZNAME". maybe your stereotype eh?

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Pfffft, hahahaha. Guys, wise up. Larry is easily one of the most, if not the most, respected politically-informed members of 12oz and has been here for a looong time. Dude was all up on this shit when you guys were still feeling unique and smart cause you discovered indymedia.org.


Stop acting like you know and KNOW.



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