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marlboro country (virginia)


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Hey, I'm trying to get rid of about a hundred cans of brand new rusto. A case of white. some black. A few accents. Lots of other colors (blue, navy, orange, CHROME, KEYLIME, etc.) I'd like to get rid of them all at once if possible, but am willing to sell in smaller amounts if need be. $3 per can or $2 PER CAN IF YOU BUY THEM ALL. (ps. I'm not a cop, a lot of us have met) Hit me with a PM[/size]

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i didnt see that ... but peep this. i was chillin out on my patio last night around 2 AM, havin a cigarette with the newest fly shorty .... and all of a sudden, we hear this prolonged, murderous scream come from down the block ..!! we were like .... what the fuck, it sounds like someone just got murdered, so i ran out there and was yelling to try to find the person, or ask if they needed help ... but no response. The police came and everything, but they didnt find anybody (or any bodies), so they left. So either way ... I think someone got kidnapped or something, right outside of my fucking house. shit is fucked up.

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