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there is a little truth to what lsz is sayin...cause at the ch1 jumpoff...where cope was them dudes walked up to hh dudes and said mad shit....and i know they were hh cause they had it tagged on there shirts....there was def no tough talk that day....someone invites u outside to bang out....drop em right there....i heard the threats and all the disrespect....hh did nothing....as far a everything else....dont know....and truthfully fuck both parties....but they did get at hh that day and i seen/heard it....dudes got punked....not even a wisper...back to flicks....bump pacer, tbm, drues, die, that sick ass gaze....and the real heads....cyrem, re-rock and the rest of the gang....wheres credit/ mesto/ eagr/ bel/ violent/ burye....those bastards are missed...

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seme beat me this time, but here it is again




this might be my favorite seme piece and the fill on the reo and rage are bonkers. but... does anyone have the seme piece that was like incredible hulked out? white fill, green tearing through with a purple 3d???

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i really hope you mean hartford county or something, cause thats nowheres near hartford

this whole muck thing is great. muck left connecticut a while ago. shes in broken windows and women of graffiti. taught by lady pink. and cats are just seeing it now. lol.

If you dont know, then....

awesome. much respect to the lady though. she helped alot of friends of mine out. DRUGS KILL, thats whats up. i've been trying to get a flick of the muck robot for a while now. i think thats in west haven.

i never got to ask her wtf this was about though3400162947_eaa97fe3a9_b.jpg

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Yo why is my name being brought into this shit again.i have never been down with tsi i'm UNIVERSAL ZULU NATION HARTFORD ORIGINAL MEMBER SINCE 93 AND CHAPTER LEADER SINCE 2003.MUD PEOPLE THE 3 CIRCLES YOU SEE IN RED IN HARTFORD SINCE 94 i have no time to post something about peoples who i put down with my shit.I'm a grown ass man my goal is to BUILD NOT DESTROY. alot stupid miscommunication dudes need to forget me i'm a ninja i stay away for a reason. when negative shit comes my way i know some hate i do my job as a Zulu keeping the culture alive.Zulu is about PEACE UNITY RESPECT we welcome all races religions beings from other planets. WE DO NOT DISCRIMINATE if you have a problem with tsi then keep it tsi. MEMBERS OF TSI THAT ARE A PART OF ZULU POPTART THATS IT. NO ONE ELSE SHOULD BE WRITTIN UZN EXCEPT HIM. I'M NOT A FUCKING KID KEEP MY NAME OUT YA MOUTHS WHEN IT COMES TO ANYTHING.UNLESS IT'S A PROBLEM ON HOW ONE OF MY EVENTS WASN'T GOOD OR SOMETHING.I DO ALOT OF THEM AND WORK WITH THE COMMUNITY I HAVE NO TIME FOR DUMB SHIT. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME FOCUS MY ATTENTION ON YOU DUDES. I STILL HAVE RESPECT

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