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eitherway its late and i need to sleep, but unless your faze in 3a and the like i dont think you can talk shit about anyone rlax doesnt piece and none of us bomb so were equal.

rock might be the only one you can mistake for a real writer and he would be if he didnt work so hard.


again dont get me wrong read what i write.

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So I know that my opinion really prob does not matter but, the last 3 pages were the most childish look at me attempts for fame. All im saying is that this is stupid....... really stupid. Mudder comments back and forth to do what?,...The only thing you are doing is MAYBE giving people who read it a bit of entertainment cat are acting like jesters. 2010 should be a year where maybe we act our age. The talent that is this city/state is awesome but weakened by oblivious look at me antics. If this artform ever wants to evolve egos must be wash away and to never be seen again. I mean really when you up talk yourself you just look and sound stupid. I respect all writers *ALL* just for doing there thing. Again my opinions don't matter to some but just think about it! I am thinking that maybe if write this people well be like "you know what" but WATCH all I will get is down talked! Have fun live life. Peace

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you kinding the only reason i know certin people write is because of the internet.


cuz you cant see shit ill seagul anymore


thats the main problem ..internet did the same thing to the car world hardly no one goes to car shows anymore..you want to see a certain car why go to a car show you can just see the car online..same thing with graffiti...theres good and bad with everything we complain about the internet but still were on it and use it everyday..

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