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"Did you know that graffito is singular for graffiti? How old is this graffito? From the looks of the rest of the pictures I would guess from the early 1970's. To me it's like art, and appears to have taken a lot of thought in creating something like this, and because of where it's located, I wouldn't consider it vandalism, it's pretty well hid. How many people do you know that can draw graffito letters like this? Not me! See the old Shelton Railroad where we took the picture."

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y do something so unreadable on a reverse highway spot, looks like PLWKRE


dont even take this too hard, just saying


let me preface this by saying im not talking shit about KWOTE, and neither is the guy im quoting


Kwotes style is immediately recognizable now...but the straight letter he threw down a few months back when he first hooked up with c4, was the illest thing id seen him do at that point. The fact that he threw that piece down says a lot, but i would have loved to see that sick straight letter riding next to rels, who's always had a nice straight letter style.


either way, RELS, KWOTE, TSI, and everyone else, keep doin you.



those BELs...oh wow...those burn anything we're doin right now, and by we, i mean of course me.

Step it up i must.


YOMAMA, this one's for you


OSMOSIS, this is all you homie


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