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^^^y was what i said funny...this shit is mind numbing and i would like if dudes would keep my name out of the discussion..


i been trying to not read anything on here but alas, my eyes focused on my 4 letters as i was scanning for tolerable pictures.


heres one for my fallen brother...thanksgiving dinner table aint gonna be the same without you




This is great! Feel for you. This week is going to be a tough one..

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this page is hurting... anybody got good danbury/bridgeport/not farthord flicks?


When I started writing in 89 there was no graffiti in Hartford, we searched and searched and found only some scribble.. I know that is much different theses days. hartford area has produced some talent.. Danbury really didn't have too much either, but what was there was pretty sick for that time period. Norwalk, New Haven, Bridgeport area had the only real NYC style graff in the state.. During the next few years Danbury and surrounding areas got a facelift from Cycle, Gaze, Sad, Wink, Jive, Emit etc.. with what most people would call a more CT style that was pretty new school back in the early 90's.

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IDEO/ID. KING OF KINGS...:cool: this guy painted more then most will over the next 10-15yrs.




he's still bombn--->REP'N IN PARADISE. IDEO.VIP.GOA.AO



that's legend status right there. Dude went out in style. Rest in Peace to another king that's no longer with us.

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I agree with that statement. Dudes hit those up-highs all over that no one will ever touch. True kings. :king2: :king2:


Not sure about King status. I remember back in the day the black and white highway fill got popular cause of crews like TVT killing Westchester and all over NYC. We brought it to CT (sad, gaze, cycle, emit, Jive, wink) and had ladder fills all over including along metro north lines from Brewster to the city. A few years later Syne and Dash started doing it as well but in the sticks of CT. back then we made fun of them.. sorry to be a debbie downer, but it's the truth.. it was cool some one was bombing the middle of nowhere CT highways.. always made the drive more interesting, but that does not make you a king.

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Not sure about King status. I remember back in the day the black and white highway fill got popular cause of crews like TVT killing Westchester and all over NYC. We brought it to CT (sad, gaze, cycle, emit, Jive, wink) and had ladder fills all over including along metro north lines from Brewster to the city. A few years later Syne and Dash started doing it as well but in the sticks of CT. back then we made fun of them.. sorry to be a debbie downer, but it's the truth.. it was cool some one was bombing the middle of nowhere CT highways.. always made the drive more interesting, but that does not make you a king.

love it i sure do i remember eroc when i first moved to ct from new york med jest vert sweet memory "love it" lol

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Some grew up with Mickey Mantle, some grew up with Don Mattingly, some grew up with Derek Jeter.... when I was growing up and was ignorant to everything else going on outside of Central CT, (no car, before internet, no money) out of the writers I have to look back at growing up, Syne and Dash we're doing it out here. Dalena's wall... life altering... the flick below has been running in front of a police station since 1992, STILL till this day!!!!!!! not legal. They crushed all the spots out here with up-highs, Respect is due! ManBear not arguing.... but just saying, they we're our Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant....


sorry about the quality, but i honestly like to keep my flicks to myself, so I won't bother scanning.


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