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Well.. i was a Yankees fan in the 80's but I was a little kid.


look at the NHL..Salary cap of around 55 million per team. Not one team can afford all the rock star players. So all the teams are fairly even. Fun to watch and any team can win.


Now in MLB the Yankees spend 200 million on their team, thats an average of 7.7 million per player.

teams like Florian and San Diego.. teams that suck.. only have 30 - 40 million to spend. 1.5 million per player. So basically the Yankee buy their way into the playoffs with the best players... and when they lose they must be retarded.


This is why baseball is so very gay. The best team does not win. The teams with the most money win most of the time.

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Well.. i was a Yankees fan in the 80's but I was a little kid.


look at the NHL..Salary cap of around 55 million per team. Not one team can afford all the rock star players. So all the teams are fairly even. Fun to watch and any team can win.


Now in MLB the Yankees spend 200 million on their team, thats an average of 7.7 million per player.

teams like Florian and San Diego.. teams that suck.. only have 30 - 40 million to spend. 1.5 million per player. So basically the Yankee buy their way into the playoffs with the best players... and when they lose they must be retarded.


This is why baseball is so very gay. The best team does not win. The teams with the most money win most of the time.

i agree dude , a great example is A Rod aka blue lips , one of the highst paid athletes in all sports and this dude is forever fuckn up dude shud be flawless like jordan was to basketball. But wen it comes down to it, its a simple game anyone can win ya feel me. dont get me wrong i luv the yankees but fuck these dudes are so over paid .
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the sadest part about baseball is, the average person cannot go to Yankee and RedSox games, nevermind taking their family.... I go to a lot of ball parks, that's just my thing, and for the price of what I paid for one SOX ticket this year, I could have went to Camden Yards like 20 times. Surprisingly Yankees tickets we're cheaper when I saw Yanks and Sox in the Bronx, then when I went to Fenway to see them face off the Angels.

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Well.. i was a Yankees fan in the 80's but I was a little kid.


look at the NHL..Salary cap of around 55 million per team. Not one team can afford all the rock star players. So all the teams are fairly even. Fun to watch and any team can win.


Now in MLB the Yankees spend 200 million on their team, thats an average of 7.7 million per player.

teams like Florian and San Diego.. teams that suck.. only have 30 - 40 million to spend. 1.5 million per player. So basically the Yankee buy their way into the playoffs with the best players... and when they lose they must be retarded.


This is why baseball is so very gay. The best team does not win. The teams with the most money win most of the time.


No one gives a shit about hockey since the lockout..nhl doesnt have the revenue pouring in like baseball...though it seems like the redwings try to be the yankees of hockey..also the marlins get money through revenue sharing (that the yankees pay the most) do they spend it on players? no the owners keep it...yankees have their own tv channel they mint money..why not spend it on the team? im not a yankee fan but its so funny how many people cry when they win...

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if we're writing long-winded posts: man, organized sports are the real government takeover, they always seemed like some elaborate tool to distract the masses and fill idle minds with meaningless false-emotion. all they do is keep people from using they're energy and passion for any independent or progressive action. the more baseball you obsess over the further you are from arriving at any new, significant ideas. doing real, illegal graffiti is the toughest sport ever.

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if we're writing long-winded posts: man, organized sports are the real government takeover, they always seemed like some elaborate tool to distract the masses and fill idle minds with meaningless false-emotion. all they do is keep people from using they're energy and passion for any independent or progressive action. the more baseball you obsess over the further you are from arriving at any new, significant ideas. doing real, illegal graffiti is the toughest sport ever.


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Thanks for all the pro sports chat fellas. Some very good points made. I really just don't like overpaid pro sports in general. At least hockey the athletes are not paid so much, they play a difficult, physical sport, and the guys are mostly very modest and cool. Basketball and football players... most are idiots with big egos. Not sure about baseball payers... the steroid thing has to end also. Ever see the South Park when Carman goes to the special olympics... lets see some more pro graff flicks.

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if we're writing long-winded posts: man, organized sports are the real government takeover, they always seemed like some elaborate tool to distract the masses and fill idle minds with meaningless false-emotion. all they do is keep people from using they're energy and passion for any independent or progressive action. the more baseball you obsess over the further you are from arriving at any new, significant ideas. doing real, illegal graffiti is the toughest sport ever.


its all a conspiracy man...the rockafellers are sitting in their ivory tower at the bilderberg hotel controling the minds of the entire world through uber elaborate conventions so we dont unite for revolution.


someone needs to smack u in the mouth and tell you to run your wallet. stifiling "real emotion" lol...this guy is great

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hahaha. there doesn't need to be a "conspiracy". people are complacent and lazy enough as is. by worrying about what the few ppl with power are doing, and your endless search for "the truth", you're only distracting yourself from achieving your own ambitions.. It's not about "the people", it's about you. Go live a little.


Just for the bronx backers:



but yea, it is pretty gay that you can sit behind home plate in Detroit for $35, where the same seat in NY or Boston would prbly cost close to a G

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if we're writing long-winded posts: man, organized sports are the real government takeover, they always seemed like some elaborate tool to distract the masses and fill idle minds with meaningless false-emotion. all they do is keep people from using they're energy and passion for any independent or progressive action. the more baseball you obsess over the further you are from arriving at any new, significant ideas. doing real, illegal graffiti is the toughest sport ever.



Bread & Circus for the 85%

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