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yea i know my shit looks pretty close to konoks ...i try to make my shit look different than his but its a little difficult cuz i havent been writing kin 4 that long ...yea im from norwalk i write with one other dude he writes STOE ...he said he met u once when u were painting the peice with era on easter at the bk brideg...ur stuff is rly fresh man..

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Ok dude, I'm gonna give you some heart felt advice from one Norwalk graff head to another. I'm not going to be all condescending and talk shit like some of the pedestal standing on, arrogant older dudes on here who think they are some kind of Gods. I would pm you, but other people should probably see this. Here Goes:

1) You, STOE, and SIN should all probably seriously consider changing your names. Yous is too similar to Kon in name and style. There is a big ass dude that I know who has mad ups from Springfield, MA who has been writing STOE for a long time. There are an infinite # of SINs already. Come up with something that represents you and has something to do with something that you' re about (like smoking ism). You're all young enough that it doesn't matter.

2) I erased SIN's # from my phone after I saw that he and ENT had bombed peoples' stockade fences in front of their small little houses in a residential neighborhood in Nwlk. There is nothing cool about destroying something that some blue collar family worked hard for years to achieve. If it were my house, I would hunt down and kill those fuckers!

3) Don't steal from mom and pop shops like Carolyn's. Rob Home Depot and Walmart, etc as much as you can.

4) Don't go over anything unless you're going bigger and better....unless you are prepared to fight over it.


That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there's more. I remember your boy STOE. I felt bad for going over him. Keep it up guys. I've seen your shit improving. Also, be careful at BK. Both Crest and myself have been popped there as well as other people, I'm sure. It's not as safe as you think. I'm sure we'll cross paths again. Peace. Oh yeah, if you know any little cuties that sweat graff dudes, send them my way. The sluttier the better.

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