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all this bullshit coming from a dude who rides irm and burns over his boys pieces with blowups

dude you have no room to talk about respect.

I half share towns points but come one guys it's graffiti you paint and take the photos you can't believe it's gonna run forever.


What is up with everyone catching feelings over the nature of this whole hobby for christ sake? And I hate to say it but from the little I've seen come out for the new generation respect is the last thing on their minds. (Atleast he buffed)


Now yeah if you can't best what you're painting over you might want to think twice. But to think someone has that high an opinion of themselves to think they can't be gone over thats just crazy!


And however long it took edit (which looks like a while) shouldn't factor into it. We could all come up with a hundred reasons why it shouldn't have been gone over. But it happend lets move on.


It seems like peoples' standards and opinions are elevating people too fast into some higher echelon that they haven't achieved.


When I was starting out it was a suck til furthur notice mentality and general opion said that took a solid 3 years to come into your own. Everyone wants to think they're the best because who wants to think they're the wrost.


Now I'm sure I'm gonna take heat for this and most will fall on deaf ears but please don't try to air my dirty laundry out in front of the internet writers.


I kept everything vauge (none of this was truley typed up with any one person in mind if it hits your nerve a little then time to do some self reflection maybe) and I'm not anonymous. If you would like to get into a disscusion message me.




And to everyone I didn't have actual problems with if you don't like me that's fine I'm not losing sleep. Just don't carry his cross or you will all be tired for no real reason too.


*Cheers!*(Grape kool-aide)


You're Losing!

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I know what you're saying and I do think it's all well put. But the only flaw I see is you're comparing past generation writers debatable legends of Ct. to writers who are coming up together. When I started I would sweat a Spie or Reo the game was still growing but now with the intra-net the field is close to level with the amount of knowledge on can get. You can't say that the level of disrespect of edit-beast comes close to ouija-beast because than edit and ouija would have to be equals. I'm sorry but the whole it's graffiti lets work together only goes so far. It's just graffiti yeah theres crews but you get into graffiti for you. Egos... you write YOUR name so YOU and OTHERS see it... Graffiti is egos!

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it always sucks when someone rocks over your shit....for real it does...but its not serious enough to warrant violence you know? cats around here take themselves way too seriously with hardly any work to back them...i wouldnt go over an irm or a ouija personally...thats kinda dumb, but freindly comepetition between toys...thats something else entirely...cuz in the end, either we both get better or i leave you behind..oneor the other. still respect should be shown for pieces that have been rocking for a minute...it sucks not having a visual reference to help you inprove...pictures are great but theres nothing like seeing a fresh piece in person

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how do you rock anything with cats going over it on some next day shit. I can see this point in many other spots, but this spot specfically isn't one you drive up to and go in. You gotta hike this one out, and it's not for the faint of heart. It's HUGE! it's not like cats are fighting for space here, yet this isn't the first time cats are going over each other in the same spot when you can go 5 feet over.


As far as comparing a Ouija or Edit or whatever that ridiculous comment is, everyone is an equal to me. You can have skills, but be a complete asshole. So is it about ego's or is it about the work? I can speak for Edit, that he has nothing but respect, and he isn't even sweating this like I am. Perfect example of friends in the same crew with different views about this game. I know I have a different view, but thinking in a Beast's mind-set. Why do I want to go over someone, when I can paint an empty wall and have my own shit run in it's own space. His shit will just get dealt with the same way. Maybe it would be all good, but when it happens to him, he takes offense, and it's his right. I understand. It's just repeat behavior over and over. It's a waste like my posts, people will always argue. Either way I'll do me and everyone does themselves, and we'll take it from there.

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All this shit is good and enlightening to hear...


Competition is awesome... I love going over somebody, and them going over me, and so on like a leap frog effect, just to get better. If the cat is an asshole, over I go.


But, if something burns the shit out of my brain, I'll step back. I've gone to spots where all the walls burn like no other, and I decide not to paint that spot. It's all about respect and love for shit. If it's pretty, awesome. If it can be prettier, blow it up and bust it out.


arguing will happen no matter what... some people love beef, some people like porkchops. it's how we all do.

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arguing will happen no matter what... some people love beef, some people like porkchops. it's how we all do.



for real yo, i love how this thread will always have an issue that gets discussed. cats call it drama (ok, that shit w/ cilone and drunken asshole oner was wak) but its not at all. class is in session and we're all learnin all the time. some cats have trouble gettin schooled, i say grow the fuck up. this way, we can all share our experiences and its revolutionizing the graff world (at least around here, i can see tons of up and coming writers burnin shit down w/ the skills we've shared and their own flavor along with it.)

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and that's all i'm saying, i want the correct cats to see what i'm saying and come to an understanding... For the crowded spots, obviously there is competition for wall space... but this is a mad chill spot with plenty of room for all. I'm just trying to get that point across that we can all use it, no need to compete and burn out each other, especially when things haven't even had a chance to run. Spread it out, make the entire spot dope. It's not a lot to ask.

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to start, he was shouted out, the flicks just werent big enough to wedge that tampon from a computer. secondly there was absolutly no disrepect intended and if you want to get technical, it was the best decision for 3 spots taking into consideration all around skill of who was rolled. no ones going to apologize if your going to take it personal, assume things and jump to conclusions.


if you want to turn back pages on respect and culture than we can battle it out on a wall

and let the skill speak for itself

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honestly..when is the last time someone got beat down in ct for graff??? no beef, nothing ever carries over into real life, so keep on with your "heated" disscussion cause that's all it will ever be. the last time i recall something is when someone acted a fool and got beat with a belt. now that's action. oh, and you oughta take it to pms.

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I got no problems with Beast. I've run into homes on several occasions and it's all peace. He's even shouted my name out on other pieces.(even ones where he didn't go over my shit) That's not even an issue to me anyways. I expect everything I paint to get gone over, EVERYTHING. If a piece happens to run, sure, that's fuckin' awesome. Everyone can agree with that. But I do see Allovers point about filling those walls up. There is ALOT of empty wall space there. I would like to see everyones shit there. Regardless of crew affiliation or whatever. It's a dope spot that's mad chill, and I know that's hard to come by. So I don't care if dudes paint there. I just hate seein' a blank wall.


As a matter of fact, next time I paint there, I'm buffin' out a new spot.

You gotta practice what you preach.

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honestly..when is the last time someone got beat down in ct for graff??? no beef, nothing ever carries over into real life, so keep on with your "heated" disscussion cause that's all it will ever be. the last time i recall something is when someone acted a fool and got beat with a belt. now that's action. oh, and you oughta take it to pms.


funny cause while i'm out painting you be in the "strangest things i seen while Bombing" thread talking bout how you we're taking flicks and wacking off to 15, 30-40 year old dudes in trench coats? Eat a dick.

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I think alot of you missed the point. If theres plenty of room to paint why rock over something thats fresh and not dissed at all. Why not just paint down the wall a bit. If theres room somewhere else at a spot no matter how you look at it its disrespectful to go over someone, especially silvers. Im not from Ct and really could care less. And on a side note to call someone whos 18 and hasnt nearly put in enough work even remotely close to being a legend is rediculous. bump my boy credito.


















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Yo Bel I have a feeling you used to write damper?

You got any old gasper flics?

or the original kem from new haven?

or any brat?

or easer or psoup?

or old danbury writer shit i forgot his name... from way before emit and gaze.

what ever happened to turtle?



^^How the fuck did you know I wrote Damper??

That was 20 years ago..

GPER EASER PEST PSOUP and the CST gang from Norwalk.

Is this Turtle?

Remember when Eroc wrote Abuser?

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