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People like RLAX need to sit in their bedroom and draw for another year or so, maybe more, and then go out and bomb. Yea the kid is up, but it looks like shit, which to me is offensive. It makes graffiti as a whole look bad, hone your skills in a non-public place and when you are ready to bless everyday people with your work they won't hate graffiti as much, or atleast when i drive through hartford i won't be angry. Either way i'd appreciate it. Stop making shit look dirty.


*edit: left out some words.





I agree with you to the fullest. R lax hits make me angry and I love graff so i can only imagine how pissed onlookers not graff involved must get.The kid really needs to hit a blackbook for a while or paint where no one will have to see his shitty letters. I dont have respect for cats who get up on everythying anyone with a can of paint can do that, i have respect the cats who do it with style.

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Ok. I'm probably the chillest, most relaxed writer ever. Not a whole lot gets under my skin. Most times when I go to a spot and see some piece I did halfway rolled over, I just shrug and do my thing. However, when some shit I painted last century, and my roll call list contains mostly kids that don't write anymore and at least one is since deceased, plus it managed to survive years of beef, toys, drunk party teenagers and taggers, then some ignorant toy comes along and blasts over it with some barely legible green and fluorescent green mess, I'm gonna get a little pissed. That particular wall has 100's of feet of wall space, most of which is peeling and faded and dissed out already, but dude has to go over the last remaining pristine thing from 1997, that's a slap in my face. Complete disrespect. If this kid truly is just an ignorant toy, then he's just going to learn the hard way. Back when I started, the rules of graffiti still contained clauses including taxing you for your paint when you fuck up, if not beating the shit out of you with a bike lock. I'm not that dude, but maybe some of my crew mates are. Believe me, YL is tight knit, and when you diss me, you diss everyone. And vice versa. If someone were to start lining Irm or Limer, I'm going to back my crew up 100%. Same with 3A or anyone I roll with.


Probably none of this would bother me so much if this very same fool didn't spot jock a big roller TOE blockbuster (again, running clean for several years in a nice illegal spot), with some haggard tribal bullshit tag. The way I see this kid, he's like a fucking parasite that's plaguing me, and I need to take some kind of action. Leave me the fuck alone. I'm not the key to your fame. Please believe I can make you want to quit graffiti. I'm going to diss out as much of your shit as i can find, then consider us even. I was a stupid toy once too, so i can relate to some degree. If you get under my skin again, I'm going to have to take it personally.


As far as who he has to learn from, I believe that pretty much every writer on the planet started painting without knowing any other writers. I was up for a good year on the highways before I met another writer. I didn't do one single piece until at least a year and a half into graffiti. Just tags, tags, throws and simples. However, even before the internet could make you savvy to the rules of graff, i had the common sense not to blast over anything another writer did. To this day I still try to avoid it. I don't care if the piece in question is shitty in my eyes, or I don't know who the kid is, whatever. I just don't go over it.


By the way, there's definitely some caps for those new Painter's Touch cans.


words of wisdom right here.im in a similar situation with these young toys.if i argued on here,id just repost this.great words man.graff just aint the same annymore
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It's rather funny to me how people dissmiss something as a bite, when hundreds of writers paint in a certain way. It's called Abstract, not ouija's style. No offense but ouija didnt create it , im sorry take a look around and get the fuck off forums. that would be like me looking at your shit and saying its a bite of everything around...Grow the fuck up honestly....and are you fuckin serious with the fartknocker ? damn

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