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"To ******'$ worst citizen: ****** ****. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down ***$*****, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's ****** **** we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're **** or the guy who puts stupid ********** on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting."



**i should note that i found this somewhere else, people like this are funny. it's like they're on some fundamentalist shit where they're "doing god's work"

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