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the immigration thread.

luke skywalker

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blah bla blah blah

us "immigrants" are here to stay, were re-conquesting our land. if they do deport us we know our way back, they can only slow us down.

we didnt cross the border, the border crossed us.

hate it or love it. lol

this shit is hillarious


y me vale madre!


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a lot of companies and employers would also be worth"fukall" wit out the work of illegal immigrants. and yeah , we dont really come for the land, we come here for a better life, PERIOD. but while were at it we might as well reclaim our shit.


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im sorry' date=' but NO ONE is forcibly making ANYONE support any "corporation."[/quote']


What are you omnicient? You are burying any valid point you may have had with your own accentuated absolutism. You should know NOTHING in this world is black and white.

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you know what its so easy for you Americans (which i am myself) to say the shit that you do but boy do you sound so fucken ignorant and narrow minded you people seem to think that our government is doing something good here by getting rid of all these people well it wont be long till your ass is sitting in a jail cell wondering why ur wonderful racist war loving materialistic government is fighting to keep you in there.........we are at war right now your government has decided to get you focused on other topics other then the war they have decided to give birth to a knew form of racism and your dumb asses are okay with it do you want your country to represent a country of racist a country of contradiction is that what you want do you want your country to turn on you and make you a criminal for being who you are because of the pigment of your skin are you fucking kidding me are you saying that you are totally blind to what your government has been doing since the beginning of time this is just like the roman empire except its modernized keep the poor poor and the rich rich fuck what your contribution to this earth is as long as you build me big buildings pick my crops and let me at your women you fucken people dont get that there are natural laws we should go by that since the beginning of time we have been a species that migrated that married into each others tribes all this for one purpose to purify the races to make them one human race free of separatism you people dont get that you are giving birth to a communist country that you are the ancestors of illegals of thieves of greedy materialistic people you dont get that you are only hurting yourself by being ignorant as to what is actually going on here your narrow mind can only fathom whats right in your face and whats being told to you through the media but you cant think for yourself you cant think beyond your local interest yourself you cant think on a global level all you care about are your possessions we would not be in this situation had man not decided he would claim the earth as his settle fence his land in and make people work pumping our earth of her resources for the sake of being a god are you fucking kidding me do you think that your purpose on this earth is for gaining material possessions that you would resort to being a hateful person just for the sake of money ...had our ancestors not gone into Mexico and pumped it of the resources it had and had not killed off its people it would not be in the situation its in now your country the great U S of A created this problem now they will suffer the consequences did you know that your ancestors the same ones that invaded the Mexica Indians actually wiped more then enough of those so called savages then married their wives making most of the population of Mexico your family those are the descendants of the spaniards who killed off the natives ...the people you claim "all we ever wanted was your cervezas (and the land which is now southwest u.s. " well they took more then that u fucking idiot and what they took away was a whole civilization and made it their own and they continue to do this becasue its in their blood fuck the rules right fuck the laws of nature right they want what the Spaniards wanted they want what their ancestors wanted a better life and no not all of them can do it the legal way not all of them have the fucken money they have starving families they need to work they need the work as soon as they can get it so they can support their families those people will have the best work ethic then you will ever have becasue they do it to support their families and not their greed that's why poor people stay poor becasue they work to live and not be rich they do it becasue that's all they know how to do is survive and keep their families taken care of you think your all high and mighty on your pure bred American pompous ass well go fuck yourself you dont know shit about anything I'm an American citizen i am a 4th generation American citizen of a mestizo background my ancestors are Spaniard mostly and i am a registered voter i know damn well immigrants with or without papers pay taxes how the fuck else do you think they have survived they work they pay bills here they buy American goods they pay their fucken taxes so dont even go there i have known illegals who work for a paycheck only to have some of it sent to the government that doesn't want them here they dont get those income checks all that money that illegal immigrants make stays with the system all that money goes to support the war that started this shit they want you to think its this bad but tell me will i see you cleaning a fucking toilet in a titybar for 5 dollars an hr 8 hrs a day 6 days a week with no paid vacation really are you willing to do it becasue if your not i know some illegals who have families to support that could give a fuck less what they look like cleaning a fucken toilet as long as their babies are fed that night so go screw yourself and your narrow minded point of view......



I think that's one of the best rants I've ever read on this whole board.

I'm with this guy.--->B1ON1X

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I'm surprised noone here has touched on the core of this issue yet. I expected more from y'all. If we TRULY want to resolve this issue, we have to dig it up by the roots, and that's multinational corporations. The corpofascists run all over the world raping countries of their resources, enslaving their populations, all in the name of profits (which they largely absorb the lionsshare of), and since they produce the goods so cheaply and are in fact absorbing the vast majority of the wealth in the world, we are forced to buy their cheap goods, and we continue the vicious cycle. We shouldn't be surprised when even more poverty stricken countries peoples are clamoring at the gates of the US. We are the ones robbing them of their own wealth.

If illegal immigrants were granted a legal status that would establish a minimum standard and raise us all up so that noone can be exploited, and noone loses jobs. If you're going to be mad about something, be angry at the kleptocracy, not some poor immigrants just trying to feed their families because they were unfortunate enough to have been born in neocolonial backwaters.


this is another good point. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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well thanx to those of you who agree but just to get one thing straight well wait maybe two things....


number one is im no dude i am a female.....

number two is i could care less for sentnece structure i spit out what i feel so its honest and true . i write for me more then i write for you.............anyways peaceout :)

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well thanx to those of you who agree but just to get one thing straight well wait maybe two things....


number one is im no dude i am a female.....

number two is i could care less for sentnece structure i spit out what i feel so its honest and true . i write for me more then i write for you.............anyways peaceout :)



ooooh, B1ON1X is Candy yams, she got words bee.... Honey acrobat verbs and pronouns at mach 3...you write for you girl , Honestly, don't forget about me mami.

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What are you omnicient? You are burying any valid point you may have had with your own accentuated absolutism. You should know NOTHING in this world is black and white.


NOTHING is making you support a huge evil tyrannical "corporation." you VOLUNTARILY support them. there is no coercion involved.

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your continued existence depends on services provided by corporate infrastructure' date=' no?[/quote']



wow, It's funny if you actually beleive that. Our existance depends on simple things like rain, sunlight, soil etc. Humans existed for God only knows how long without the help of corporate infrastructure. We've become so dependent on things like.....starbucks coffee and truthfully, most of the people I know are softies compared to Grizzly Adams.


Man up, papa

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where do you get YOUR drinking water, papa?

maybe from a municipal water system, maybe from a spring water supplier, whatever.

how does that water GET to you, papa? and food? sure, you could buy locally from a small farming coop, but how do my niggas cultivate the land? do thy fashion their owns tools and machinery?

needless to say that all things are realized through a massive succession dependent on a corporate foundation.

not many people have the means or the will to live outside of that system.

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i wasn't referring to a specific 'you.' i just meant that the voluntary capitalist system is hardly as voluntary as angel says. yeah, you could read up on wilderness survival and agrarian life, but where this knowledge was once passed down generationally, you would now depend on information delivered through a corporate infrastructure.

i dunno.

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I get my drinking water from a cistern, but I also know how to dig a well and I can find lakes, rivers and streams without corporate assistance.


Why do I have to buy this food? I'm capable of growing crops myself. I can hunt. I can fish.


I can also design, make, and employ tools because I am a highly evolved monkey.


Needless to say, the reason main people subscribe to this 'corporate demon' you're whining about is CONVENIENCE. If I spent all my time growing and hunting food I wouldn't have time to have this argument with you. Further, just because 'not many' people can or cannot do something doesn't translate to the blanket statement you're making.

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if you cant figure our for yourself what materialism and immigration have to do with each other then obviously you haven't opened up your eyes yet......everything is tied into each other ..

its materialism that drives man to do the awful things that he/she does which will result in the slaughtering of other humans and enslaving them becasue of there beliefs and because of the pigment of their skin when people are bought off to do the work of someone else that is materialism and separatism at its finest becasue of the need for labor large corporations allowed undocumented workers to work so that they would not have to pay them what they deserve and an immigrant is not going to ask for a rise becasue of the fear of deportation..........all i know is that 10 yrs from now i wont live in the city anymore i have had the opportunity to live in the country as a teenager and although i could not bear being away from my home in the city i came to understand the benefits of solitude of being out there in the middle of a field late at night under a full moon breathing fresh air and hearing the coyotes in the background meditating to the sound of the wind and the crickets which i had never heard before all i was use to was car noise loud families next door across the street kids running all over the place screaming their lungs out parents yelling at those kids anyways if you live in the city you know what I'm talking about .....so yea our species survived and it will survive but not unless our civilisation can learn to balance there spirituality with their intelligence um here's part of a blog i wrote


....we cannot continue to raise our( meaning the worlds) children the way our parents raised us these are evolved human beings they do not deserve such an injustice becasue you feel set in your old ways in your parents ways if we have learned anything it was that most of us did not approve of how our parents raised us yet we conform these children will not conform and that will make it harder since you are good at conforming its up to you to find a suitable way of raising your child to be spiritual and intellectual for the sake of all mankind if we can teach our children to live lives of spiritual awareness then that will decrease the fate that we will bring to ourselves if this technology that we need so bad gets into the wrong state of mind and into the wrong hands with spiritual enlightenment we can continue our advances in technology not to make life easier but to make life suitable for the next generations of fully enlightened children now most of you are maybe thinking im a wacko but tell me this do you think that your own beloved children are wackos i dont think so and neither do i all i want to do is help becasue it is my purpose to make this world a better place to live in ......


u see we can live in the modern age but as long as we are ignorant as to what we can do to give back to our planet there will be no chance for a future ........our world has been claimed and fenced off we have build imaginary walls that have enclosed us into this way of thinking tell me how it is that there are still indigenous tribes who dont rely on Starbucks to keep them up for their busy schedules these tribes have maintained their way of life for hundreds of yrs they have also become far more spiritual then we could ever be as long as we think that we have no choice but to be dependant off large corporations.......if there was a sense of community and a lack of stupidity towards nature we could come together as tribes we could cultivate the lands and every one would give a helping hand we could grow our own food for our own communities everyone would have a job but they would not be paid currency they will be paid off by a free meal that night ... the way i see it we dont need currency what we need is a sense of community and a the want to change ...this whole every man for himself is a big fucken lie....

one day i plan on moving back to the country i will build an Eco friendly underground home with the use of modern technology i could use solar panels to create my own energy , i will grow my own food source and raise the animals i need to create the every day things i need you see there is work to be done on a farm that work in turn pays for your life but you work for no one but yourself with the use of modern technology the balance could benefit more then you thought..........you see one day life as you know it will make a drastic change and you want to be prepared for it that is why you must become aware of your capabilities as a human being we were given a chance to come this far lets not destroy it with ignorance......

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a myspace bulletin i recieved....











ok so here's my opinion on this subject okay so this guy thinks he's king of the south right and his political plans are to put a 25 cent tax to every dollar you spend so we can save new Orleans( which is slowly sliding into the ocean as i type meaning

it will no longer exist after maybe 20 -50 yrs and that's if this hurricane season doesn't it take it under the way i see it u cant fight mother nature its a crime in it's self it's just that people are so occupied with mans laws they forget the natural laws of our planet) okay and he wants to legalize marijuana right now i don't know if he thinks he's the only motherfucker that wants to legalize it but in what manner and what for who knows he didn't say i figured this money would go to help rebuild new Orleans well what T.I forgot to mention was if this was to happen if marijuana was legalized who's going to put in the man power to get all these crops picked and harvested.......now if this was me if i were to legalize marijuana i would let the immigrants stay you want to know why becasue the legalization of marijuana would certainly pay off any so called debt that immigrants seem to have created for our government every hemp product would have a tax on it that would support public school systems and free clinics

for low income families you see there is so much that could be done with this but of course your precious T.I king of the south wont mention any of this becasue he's just as naive as his comments shows him to be what a fucken tard seriously he's no king he's just another drug dealer rapper racist extraordinaire............

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