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I need to see Spanglish... again

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and by again I mean that when I was a tiny tot I could go to mexico and bargain my way into buying a house for 7 chiclets and a picture of a white girl.


But now Im 17 and stepping into the 'real world' (fuck the show)/ job market. I know basic words but not enough to carry me anywhere. I at least know when someones talking shit and thats pretty good if youre a white guy on vacation. I look very mexican (maybe because I am) and people assume I know spanish then give me a 'what the fuck is sticking out of your head' kinda look when I say I dont. Shit brings mad amount of shame and embarrassment.

Where can I get schooled on the spanish tip?


Im looking into community colleges but shit I know I can (re)learn fast and that shit takes months. I needs me a job now. I need an hiring manager to give me the 'we need a mexican and youre just perfect' note.


So wsup, any help? Similar situations?







My excuse for not know spanish is because my parents never talked spanish to me. I was brought up all american basically. My dad born in mexico is in the military and hes all into Led Zeppelin and loves america and everything. Mind you hes not the typical heavy accented mexican with a mustache type dude. My moms born american also know spanish just never gave me the learnin.

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Re: I need to speak spanish... again


i learned spanish by working in kitchens for 7 years and being one of the only americans most of the time... school can give you an ok foundation but nobody really speaks the way they teach it to you and its a lot easier to retain it if you are using it all the time... go get a pt job in a restaurant...

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Re: I need to speak spanish... again


My chick made a fairly good point on the subject. She was saying that people need to learn the language of america if theyre going to be coming here. They need to adjust to the culture, not the other way around. Mexicans (i dont know about other hispanics) talk shit if the parents havent taught their children spanish, its very taboo. If you want spanish then stay in mexico, you wanted to come to america now get americanized.


Not exactly her words but her general point.

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Re: I need to speak spanish... again


Take classes and work hard, but really what it comes down to is that you're going to have to study abroad or at least immerse yourself somehow in spanish. Really the only way to become fluent is to just go live in Mexico after you've learned enough to do the basics. You'll learn it fast once you have to speak it and have to hear it constantly.

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