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What ^ ppls, I was just wondering do you need climbing gear to reach some spots? Cuze some spots are at the top a 10+ story building an theres no ledges, and if ya do need gear, whats the best and where do ya get it?

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Originally posted by Politics&Bullshit@Mar 20 2006, 06:49 PM

Utility belt, fool.

Fool?! you do know that utility belts are only for storing stuff, they don't actualy suspend you from roof tops. Maybe next time before you open your big mouth you should acctually know something about the subject. or maybe you just shouldn't talk cuze talking really doesn't suit you. YA TOY

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Originally posted by Fat Backwood@Mar 20 2006, 09:38 PM

you are hella dumb. swear kids are actually coming onto the internet to ask dumb ass questions like this and expect answers. figure this shit out on your own!

Ok, so if he fucks up the first time... there isnt gonna be a second.

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Originally posted by ARCEL@Mar 20 2006, 10:11 PM

first you get something to stand on, then you get a rope and tie it to the spot, then tie the other end to your neck, then just get rid of whatever you were standing on, because you don't need it now

I'll let you try it, then you can tell me how it went! LOL

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Originally posted by Fat Backwood@Mar 20 2006, 10:21 PM

^^hah this fool thinks he made a funny. and the utility belt was meant more in the sense of a batman like belt, not one for construction work. get a sense of humor you scallywag mark.

I'm not a he dude. :huh2:

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yes this topic is as useful as tits on a boar

but it's not getting worse.


there is an idiot born every minute, and when they turn twelve, they log onto the yard


this is the way it has been

and the way it shall be.



now blow my mind non he man! blow my mind!

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