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photos show horror of genocide in Darfur


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Originally posted by KaBar2@Mar 18 2006, 07:33 AM

The American people are not idiots. They know very well that we go to war to defend our national interests, whatever they may be. Afghanistan is essentially the crackhouse at the end of the street where all the asshole criminals hang out. Nobody owns or controls it, so all the shitheels gather there to cause shit. Either you figure out a way to control it, or burn the sonofabitch down to deny them access to it. Either way, it won't be a problem for you in the future.


Iraq is like the little gang of peewees that is a constant fucking annoyance, but they're not really big enough or tough enough to be dangerous. Then you find out that they have a gas station. Huh. Those little shits got no business with a gas station---we should control that fucking station.


As soon as the hit hits the fan, all the little crybabies in the neighborhood start in about how can't you boys just get along and why are you always starting trouble? They cry about the peewees starting shit, then they cry about you kicking their sorry little peewee asses. You can't win. But they would like it fine if the price of gas would go down. You know, like fucking magic or something.


But if they would just shut up and let the home boys handle business, we'd be through with crackheads, crack houses, peewee gangsters AND high gas prices. But no, they can't do that. But you know, when someone starts breaking their windows and shit, who do they call? It ain't the UN, that's for sure.



I'm glad people are finally starting to admit this. I've been saying this since 2002. I know the bush administration and war supporters have put oodles of excuses on the news for going to war like freeing Iraqis,WMD's,getting Saddam,9-11 but this is the reason that most people have known was he real reason since day one. It's strategic positioning. Oh, well, what goes up must come down. It's the law of gravity.

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Originally posted by symbols+Mar 17 2006, 11:57 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (symbols - Mar 17 2006, 11:57 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-bobthedestroyer@Mar 17 2006, 11:21 AM

The people of this country are idiots who just wanna bitch about something.


you've summed yourself up really well.


getting harder and harder to pin the blame on these mysterious 'liberals'

must be some kinda all-powerful shadow group to have been so influential in our country's foreign policy decisions, and all this while the 'republicans' are holding all the power positions



Symobls do you want to cut that Michael moore shit out? I used the words - conservatives and liberals... The terms are non-exclusive to any party. There are conservatives who are dems and there are conservatives that are reps... and vice versa.


Back to the actual point.


I couldn't have said it better than KaBar- Who's comments I always enjoy. I didn't actually mean that they are idiots as to what's going on... I meant idiots from my perspective for doing what they do...

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Originally posted by El Mamerro+Mar 14 2006, 04:24 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (El Mamerro - Mar 14 2006, 04:24 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by Dawood@Mar 14 2006, 09:19 AM

The only permission Islam gives it's followers to killing is when it is a just killing like for instance stoning the adulterer or adultress







<!--QuoteBegin-Dawood@Mar 14 2006, 09:19 AM

it is actually a religion of justice and mercy.





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February 2006


On February 3, 2006, as the United States began its month long presidency of the United Nations Security Council, the U.S offered a motion to begin plans to send UN peacekeepers to Darfur.


The Security Council agreed unanimously to begin the planning process to send the troops, with a final decision to come later. It called for a 12,000 to 20,000 troop presence in Darfur with the 7,000 African Union troops already there being given new weapons and being incorporated into the UN mission. Furthermore, they would have a greater mandate to protect civilians.


Nevertheless, difficulties are expected to arise in finding states willing to contribute troops to the UN mission. Although the United States offered the motion, the U.S is not expected to contribute troops to the mission.


Also, Omar al-Bashir, the leader of Sudan who is widely believed to be backing the Janjaweed militias in Darfur, has also frequently stated his opposition to UN peacekeepers in Sudan further complicating the problem. Assuming these problems are overcome, UN troops are still not likely to appear in Darfur for nearly a year.


Hummmm- makes you think - One word to sum this all up folks: Bosnia

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Originally posted by Dawood@Mar 14 2006, 10:19 AM

And as for the people being killed, they look like muslims to me (with the women wearing headscarves and the men wearing white Islamic thowbs) But , Still, i'll have to look more into it. May Allah ease the burden of the oppressed ones and destroy the oppressors, Ameen.



Yup, they look like Muslims to me too.



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Well, if the people of Darfur are Muslims, they why isn't the wonderful multicultural non-racist Islamic religion motivating the seemingly Arab janjaweed militia to spare the poor victims? Do you mean to tell me that there are RACISTS THAT ARE NOT WHITE PEOPLE? Oh, gosh, that couldn't possibly be true. Everybody knows that the blue-eyed devils are the only source of hate and cruelty in the world and it's all because of White skin privelege and Eurocentrism, blah blah blah.


The janjaweed militia is Arab Muslim. They are ethnically cleansing Darfur because they can, and the Darfurians (whatever) make dandy goatherds and prostitutes and maids, as long as you enslave them as children, murder or castrate their fathers, gang-rape their mothers and sell the remaining wretched human wreckage down the River. The world is a shithole of a place, full of horrible, horrible people. However, the good news is that janjaweed militiamen bleed red just like the rest of us and they are not even remotely bulletproof.


You want peace and justice in Darfur? Airdrop them 10,000 AK47's and a million rounds of ammunition with instructions on how to operate an AK47 written like cartoons. That will be the last we ever hear of the janjaweed militia. There will be about two very loud weeks, then blissfull peace, puncuated by normal life returning to Darfur. When they run out of ammunition, they'll start planting coca bushes to facilitate their new-found national defense posture.

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Originally posted by KaBar2@Mar 25 2006, 03:05 AM

Well, if the people of Darfur are Muslims, they why isn't the wonderful multicultural non-racist Islamic religion motivating the seemingly Arab janjaweed militia to spare the poor victims? Do you mean to tell me that there are RACISTS THAT ARE NOT WHITE PEOPLE? Oh, gosh, that couldn't possibly be true. Everybody knows that the blue-eyed devils are the only source of hate and cruelty in the world and it's all because of White skin privelege and Eurocentrism, blah blah blah.


The janjaweed militia is Arab Muslim. They are ethnically cleansing Darfur because they can, and the Darfurians (whatever) make dandy goatherds and prostitutes and maids, as long as you enslave them as children, murder or castrate their fathers, gang-rape their mothers and sell the remaining wretched human wreckage down the River. The world is a shithole of a place, full of horrible, horrible people. However, the good news is that janjaweed militiamen bleed red just like the rest of us and they are not even remotely bulletproof.


You want peace and justice in Darfur? Airdrop them 10,000 AK47's and a million rounds of ammunition with instructions on how to operate an AK47 written like cartoons. That will be the last we ever hear of the janjaweed militia. There will be about two very loud weeks, then blissfull peace, puncuated by normal life returning to Darfur. When they run out of ammunition, they'll start planting coca bushes to facilitate their new-found national defense posture.




I still doubt that the Janjaweed are muslims...Arab , yes, but muslim...I don't buy it yet. Even if they say theyre muslims, I still havent seen anything that proves it.

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from wikipedia:



The Janjaweed (variously spelled Janjawid, Jingaweit, Jinjaweed, Janjawiid, Janjiwid, etc.) is an armed militia group in Darfur, western Sudan, comprising fighters of Arab background (mainly from the originally nomadic Baggara people). Since 2003 it has been one of the principal actors in the increasingly bloody Darfur conflict, which has pitted nomadic tribes against the settled arable farmer tribes of the region. The Janjaweed represent the ruling Sunni Muslim government.


The name "Janjaweed" means "armed men on horseback." The Janjaweed is the successor to an earlier Arab tribal militia, the Murahilin (literally "nomads"), which had existed for many years beforehand.




so I looked up baggara peeps





The Baggara or Baqqarah are a nomadic Bedouin people inhabiting Africa from between Lake Chad and the Nile, in the states of Sudan (particularly Darfur), Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, and the Central African Republic. They are also known as Shuwa Arabs. They are cattle-herders, migrating seasonally between grazing lands in the wet season and river areas in the dry season. They are mostly speakers of the Shuwa dialect of Arabic. Most are Muslims, thought to be the descendants of Arab tribes who settled the region during the Middle Ages. Their name is a term widely used in western Sudan for Arab pastoralists, meaning literally "cattle herder."


The Baggaras' pastoral lifestyle has led to conflict with the sedentary African farmers of the region concerning access to water and grazing land. This has been the source of ethnic tensions for many years, culminating in the bloody Darfur conflict which began in 2003.


The Baggara include several tribes, such as the Rizeigat, Ta’isha, Habbaniya in Darfur and Misseiria and the Humur and Hawazma in Kordofan. The Misseiria of Jebel Mun speak a Nilo-Saharan language, Tama (also called Miisiirii.)

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Originally posted by bobthedestroyer+Mar 19 2006, 07:10 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (bobthedestroyer - Mar 19 2006, 07:10 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Symobls do you want to cut that Michael moore shit out? I used the words - conservatives and liberals... The terms are non-exclusive to any party. There are conservatives who are dems and there are conservatives that are reps... and vice versa.




<!--QuoteBegin-Dawood@Mar 25 2006, 01:11 AM

I still doubt that the Janjaweed are muslims...Arab , yes, but muslim...I don't buy it yet. Even if they say theyre muslims, I still havent seen anything that proves it.


you guys are fucking hilarious.


bob do you think ANY republican out there would identify him or herself as a "liberal" right now?!?


and dawood, that's religion for ya, you should just go on believing whatever the fuck you wanna believe.

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